The most straightforward translation of 宽广的 is indeed broad. This term works well when referring to physical dimensions, such as a broad river, a broad avenue, or a broad shoulder. It implies a significant width, often larger than average. However, the word "broad" ...
Words that start with S Lists of words starting with S including those most commonly written / spoken, definitions, part of speech, and a very long list arranged by word length. Also includes countries that start with S, household items that begin with S, and more. Skip to the section yo...
Words Starting Words Ending Definitions Rhyming Dictionary Crossword Answers Antonym Finder Synonym Finder Idioms Word Games Scrabble Word Finder Known Letters Word Finder Wordle Solver Crossword Solver Words With Friends Cheat 4 Pics 1 Word Cheat Word Feud Cheat Word Cookies Cheat CodyCross Cheat Wordsc...
Q: What countries start with the letter E? A: East Timor, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia. Q: What are some household items / things / objects and kitchen things (including some brand names) starting in E?
The next best word starting with is muzzy, which is worth 28 points. Both of these excellent five-letter words assume you're getting to use two Z tiles - which would require a blank tile. How do I find the 5 letter Wordle Word of the Day? Since there are over 8,900 possible 5-...
"a rather aggressive and dominating character" "managed the employees in an aloof magisteri Broad slang term for a woman "a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch"View all cognitive synonyms for HenHen Is In These Word Lists Starts With H Three letters, starting with h Starting wi...
Descriptive Words that Start with B Below are 50 words starting with B that are used to describe things: WordsMeanings Babbling Talking rapidly and continuously without making sense Back Located behind or at the rear of something Bad Not good or pleasant; unfavorable Baffling Confusing or puzzling...
names starting with ... 以...开始的名字 named ... with dozens of options 有很多选项 are often known to 熟知的 are categorized into 分类为 with ... you could ... Hence it is highly suggested to 因此强烈推荐 productively 高效多产的 ...
Why Learn 5 Letter Words Starting with W? Learning 5 letter words that start with W can be beneficial in many ways. For example: For word games like Wordle, Scrabble, and other word-based games, having a broad vocabulary can be a significant advantage. Knowing a variety of 5-letter words...
B. C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context My past students are starting to organize a scientific conference for my 60th birthday to be held about a year from now. Their gesture reminded me of Rabbi Hanina's words: “I have learned much from my...