Can you find words spelled backwards in Waffle Words? Yes, you can find words horizontal, vertical, L-shaped, U-shaped, left to right, and right to left. You cannot create diagonal words. Can you play Waffle Words in other languages?
Recent Examples of bumped Given his lower cross volume, last season’s most common crossing pass cluster has been bumped down the list, with Liverpool’s No 66 more likely to engage in sideways or backwards passes as part of his distribution diet. Mark Carey, The Athletic, 22 Dec. 2024 Af...
APalindromeis a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backwards.View all palindrome words here. Pig Latin Eye in Pig Latin is said as "eyeay or eyeway". Unigram e|y|e Bigram ey|ye Trigram eye Word Gram second letter y
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
A palindrome is a word or phrase that is spelled the exact same forwards and backwards (excluding spaces). The word “racecar,” for example, is spelled the same in both directions. So is the phrase “Able was I ere I saw Elba.” So is the sentence “A man, a plan, a canal, Pa...
Alpha (α) Delphinus, Sualocin, is a pale yellow star in the Dolphin. The name “Sualocin” is “Nicolaus” spelled backwards.The strange names Sualocin for alpha (α) Delphinus and Rotanev for beta (β) Delphinus first appeared for these stars in the Palermo Catalogue of 1814, and ...
bacchanal bacciform bacillary backaches backbites backboard backbones backbrand backcombs backcourt backcross backfield backfills backhouse backjoint backlifts backorder backpiece backplate backseats backsight backslide backspace backstaff backstage backstall backswept backsword backtrack backwards backwater ...
The extra fun thing about calculator words is that they’re one type ofambigrams. Anambigramis a word, number, or other figure that can be read upside down. To create and read a calculator word, you have to enter the corresponding numbers backwards, then flip the calculator upside down. ...
Speak and feel like a local with these 30 slang words in Tagalog that are commonly used by hip Filipino millennials.
“Chichi” is Spanish slang for breast (typically the word is used in its plural form, “chichis” to refer to breasts); so “a little chi chi out” refers to the modest baring of the breast. “Chocho” (more commonly spelled “chocha”) is Spanish slang for vagina; thus “not my...