, from Old High German gisunt, gisunti "healthy" (see sound (adj.)). Also in the German toast auf ihre Gesundheit "to your health." God bless you after someone sneezes is credited to St. Gregory the Great, but the pagan Romans (Absit omen) and Greeks had similar customs....
What makes words sound similar - Hahn, Bailey - 2005 () Citation Context ...). The degree of similarity between a novel word and an existing word is taken to be a function of the transformations that are required to turn one into the other (Hahn, Chater, and Richardson 2003; =-=...
Related:Unsoundly;unsoundness. Similar formation in Middle Low Germanunsund, Middle Dutchongesont, Germanungesund. unsounded(adj.) 1520s, "not uttered or pronounced," fromun-(1) "not" + past participle ofsound(v.1). The word of the same form meaning "unfathomed" is attested 1590s, fro...
But these words don't sound similar to native English speakers. In fact, to native English speakers these words sound nothing alike.这些单词对于母语者来说听起来并不相同。对于他们来说,这些单词毫无相近之处。They're completely different. But when you are learning English and you are dealing with...
So words that end in -tion like this one are usually stressed on the syllable before last so it's motivation. And listen to that last syllable as well.听一下最后一个音节。动机。Motivation. That last syllable is unstressed, the vowel sound reduces right down to the schwa so it's short ...
sounds 2 of 4 verb (2)present tense third-person singular of sound 1as in plumbsto measure the depth of (as a body of water) typically with a weighted line the pilot sounded the river to make sure we weren't in any danger of running aground Synonyms & Similar Words ...
Each similar sound creates a sense of rhythm and movement, making you feel as though you are traveling along with it. Examples of Assonance in Song Rappers like to use assonance all the time. For example, take these lyrics from the song,Loud Noises,performed by Eminem and Royce Da 5’9″...
The American pronunciation is similar. It's just the O sound that changes. British pronunciation: clothes. American pronunciation: clothes. Word number three is: sixth. Sixth. It's a lovely word, isn't it? That was sarcasm. I know it's quite a difficult word because there's a "KS" ...
They pronounce whole phrases and even sentences as one continuous sound.他们的短语甚至句子发音 是一个连续的声音。If you want to speak English more fluently and sound more natural, you should try to do this too.如果您想说英语更流利 而声音更自然,您应尝试这样做。But how?但是怎么样做?There ...