pants-on-head per head phenol red pig lead pin-head power set print head proof-read quick bread rail head read head red-carpet red thread river-bed rosy-red sacred thread sea bread seed head shaved head shearing shed sheep's head sight read sight-read simple bed single bed skim-read soa...
一张横着的a4纸张,上半部分写 ___rhyme with ___. 下半部分是几个rhyming words。 剪下来之后贴到句子的后半部分。(如下图) 海报 海报是最直截了当地总结知识点的方法,利用好海报比做很多游戏都省时省力。像下图这样用便利贴把rhyming words...
pettipants pressurants pretendants pustulants querulants reducants reintegrants restaurant's saturants sederunts shorefronts statements suffragants suppurants surveillants termigants tournament's transductants transhumants tremolants trimmigrants tripulants tulipants turribants windowfronts womanhunts adsorben...
50 Cent- nifty pants, hippy-man, sixty cent Napoleon Bonaparte- grab hold of him in the dark, my flow is thinner than art Barry Bonds- hairy palms, scary psalms, married moms A List of Interesting Words that Rhyme (to use in your raps or whatever) ...
“OH MY GOD, my pants are inside-out!” With no emotion, Mr, Wanton replied, “So? It’s just us here in the house, who cares? It doesn’t matter.” I jumped out of the recliner like it was an ejection seat. “I wore these pants uptown!” I shouted. I spun my body around...
Write the words thatrhymewithscareon the front of Rodney, and have children choose some words thatrhymewithcrowand write them on the back. In the sample, I chose 24-scarerhymingwords and wrote them on the shirt, and then wrote an equal amount of words thatrhymewithcrow, on the pants. ...
The implication is that assiduous behavior brings with it thoroughness and even temper. Not necessarily true. assonance Describes two words in which the vowels rhyme but the consonants don't—such as mama and dada. Without assonance, you've got no other way to describe it! assuage To relieve...
rhyme13 rhyta11 rials5 riant5 riata5 ribby12 ribes7 riced8 ricer7 rices7 ricin7 ricks11 rider6 rides6 ridge7 ridgy10 riels5 rifer8 riffs11 rifle8 rifts8 right9 rigid7 rigor6 riled6 riles5 riley8 rille5 rills5 rimed8 rimer7 rimes7 rinds6 rindy9 rings6 rinks9 rinse5 rioja12 riots5...
pantsless parkless pawnless pectous per'lous pimpless pintless pissless plackless plaintless pluckless pointless pondness pottress pretious prismless proestrous pulchrous purpose purse quirkless quitchgrass rampless rashness restless richness rubrous saccus saintess saintless sarcous schirrhus schismless...
Reim: 1. rhyme Reinheit: 1. cleanliness, purity Reinlichkeit: 1. cleanliness, purity Reis: 1. rice Reisbranntwein: 1. rack, arrack Reise: 1. journey, trip, voyage Reisebüro: 1. tourist agency, travel agency Reisen: 1. travelling Reisende: 1. traveller Reisepaß: 1. passport Reise...