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Gun control has become an increasingly controversial topic in the nation due to the continuous debates relating to gun control and whether or not laws should be passed to make it harder for guns to be obtained. Guns serve for a variety of purposes that range from good to bad. Guns are not...
batterynoungroup of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place battlenouna hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war battlefieldnouna region where a battle is being (or has been) fought baynounan indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller...
Gun control has become an increasingly controversial topic in the nation due to the continuous debates relating to gun control and whether or not laws should be passed to make it harder for guns to be obtained. Guns serve for a variety of purposes that range from good to bad. Guns are not...
n. [电池,殴打] beating or pounding; set of guns or heavy artillery; a dry cell that produces an electric current bay:n. [海湾] an inlet of the sea, usually smaller than a gulf; a small body of water set off from the main body beam:n. [光束,铁梁,木梁,一束电波] ray of light;...
新视野第二册词汇讲义Unit10_words_A_all survival n.[U]stateofcontinuingtoliveorexist生存;幸存 survivalofthefittest 适者生存 Forthepoorestpeople,lifewasmerelyamatterofsurvival. 对最穷的人来说,生活只是争取活命。 bomber n.[C]anaircraftthatdropsbombs轰炸机 Theinvasiononlandwassupportedby...
Intersex people are born with at least one of about 40 naturally occurring variations relating to their genitalia, internal reproductive organs, chromosome patterns or hormones. Not all intersex people are identified as such at birth, and those who are may still be listed as either “male” or ...
noungroup of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place nouna device that produces electricity; may have several primary or secondary cells arranged in parallel or series electric battery. More 'battery' Meaning batteryIdioms/Phrases ...
Official means relating to an authority or public body and having the approval or authorization of such a body. Ordinance & ordnance : Ordinance means an authoritative order whereas ordnance means guns or munitions. Palate & palette : The palate is the roof of the mouth. A palette, on ...
What one might call “popular history”.I’m thinking right now of the writers Barbara Tuchman (e.g.The Guns of August, on the start of World War I) and Collins-Lapierre (Freedom at Midnight, about the Indian independence movement). ...