foot, hand, face, father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter ; Names of plants and animals: oak, pine, grass, pear, apple, tree, horse, cow, sheep, cat, dog, chicken ; Action, size, domain,
Relating to people who are romantically attracted to more than one gender. This is different from “bisexual” because a person can feel romantically attracted to someone — that is, desiring a more intimate emotional connection — without necessarily desiring physical, erotic, or sexual gratification...
"pastoral, relating to country life or the affairs and occupations of a shepherd," 1610s, earlierbucolical(1520s), from Latinbucolicus, from Greekboukolikos"pastoral, rustic," fromboukolos"cowherd, herdsman," frombous"cow" (from PIE root*gwou-"ox, bull, cow") +-kolos"tending," related...
Your words to the end, hard as a pair of new cowboy boots —A. D. Winans See Also: TOUGHNESS Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. wordPast participle: wordedGerund: wording Imperative word word Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins...
coverts, coveter, coveters, coward, cowardice, cowardices, cowardly, cowards, cowberries, cowberry, cowbird, cowbirds, cower, cowered, cowering, cowers, cowgirl, cowgirls, cowherb, cowherbs, cowherd, cowherds, cowier, cowinner, cowinners, coworker, coworkers, cowrie, cowries. cowry, coyer...
English also has, which originated as a technical word for abnormal accumulation of adipose tissue in the gluteal region, but has broadened in use to include the simple meaning “broad-bottomed.” It was nearly in the old “red flag” days, and those who went for a ride in this cavorting...
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Adj. disappearing &c v.; evanescent; missing, lost; lost to sight, lost to view; gone. Int. vanish!, disappear!, avaunt!^, get lost!, get out of here &c (ejection) 297. CLASS IV WORDS RELATING TO THE INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES DIVISION I ...
They include words relating to the following respects: Naturalphenomena: rain, snow, fire, water, sun, moon, spring, summer, wind, hill; Human body and relations: head, foot, hand, face, father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter; Names of plants and animals: oak, pine, grass, ...
Of or relating to certain glands whose secretions are acted upon by bacteria to produce the characteristic odor of perspiration (distinguished from eccrine). apocryphal Of doubtful authenticity; practically a fable. apogee The point in the orbit that is furthest from the orbited body. apophasis Rhet...