新视野第二册词汇讲义Unit8_words_A_all formal a.followingacceptedrulesofbehavior正式的 Shehasaveryformalmanner. 她举止文雅。 Theletterwaswritteninveryformallanguage. 这封信使用了非常正式的语言。 informal a.notformal不正式的 Itisonlyaninformalgathering. 这只是个非正式的集会。 "Hi"isan...
First you play the role of li yang fang and then the role of Susan you partner Mike has and Kim sun you are at the airport to meet you visitor you know each other so great you visit first talk with him and then take him to the hotel. Pledged to meet you representative someone answe...
The art gallery’s provocative exhibition showcased bold and daring works that challenged societal norms, attracting a diverse audience of curious visitors. 46.Racy:Suggestive or slightly indecent, typically in a lively or humorous way. The advertising agency developed a racy campaign for the new lin...
Write the words with the definitions given(根据所给的英文解释写出单词):1. m: of, relating to, or invoking the supernatural2. a: the art or process of preparing animated cartoons3. s: filled with satisfaction; content4. r: to advise as the best course or choice ...
Unit3Artforart’ssake12ThemysteryofGirlswithaPearlEarringHowwelistenTextHowWeListen 1Wealllistentomusicaccordingtoourseparatecapacities.But,forthesakeofanalysis,thewholelisteningprocessmaybecomeclearerifwebreakitupintoitscomponentparts,sotospeak.Inacertainsensewealllistentomusiconthreeseparateplanes.Forlackofa...
from assimilated form of Latincom"with, together" (seecon-) +temporarius"of time," fromtempus"time, season, portion of time" (seetemporal(adj. 1)). Formcotemporarywas common in 18c. Meaning "modern, characteristic of the present" (in reference to art, literature, etc.) is from 1805....
"the art of producing images by application of chemical changes produced by certain substances by the action of light or other radiant energy," 1839, fromphoto-+-graphy. Seephotograph. polygraph(n.) 1794, "mechanical device for making multiple copies of something written or drawn," from Greek...
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24. (modifier) of, relating to, or consisting of words: a word list. vb 25. (tr) to state in words, usually specially selected ones; phrase 26. informal (often foll by: up) Austral to inform or advise (a person) [Old English word; related to Old High German wort, Old Norse or...
(adjective) given to whimsy or fanciful notions; capricious(adjective) of the nature of or proceeding from whimsy, as thoughts or actions (adjective) erratic; unpredictable 59. Wizardry (noun) the art, skill, or accomplishments of a wizard ...