This day alyeve, to-morow on thy grave; This day a wyse man, to-morow but a foole; This day in worship, To-morow but a knave. ["Peter Idley's Instructions to His Son," c. 1450] worthless(adj.) 1580s, fromworth(n.) +-less. Related:Worthlessly;worthlessness. ...
2025 But days before his inauguration, Trump shocked many of his crypto supporters by peddling a digital token known as a meme coin, a functionally worthless asset that trades on hype and are a go-to vehicle for scams known as rug pulls. Allison Morrow, CNN, 21 Jan. 2025 The first ...
Effect operation and worthless. The support and hard work of all the employers. Team work and cross functional cooperation. Which of the following will product the most? Perfect? According to maria? Employer interprets and effective management. The best mix two of diversions and company goals. T...
worthless insufficient meaningless bootless of no avail barren pointless empty inadequate inefficacious not worth the candle otiose no dice valueless hollow lost idle hopeless lacking unattainable counterproductive no-win wanting Antonyms...
The figurative sense of "depreciate, scorn as worthless" (as the reviewers did to this word) is from 1797 and is now almost the only sense. Related: Belittled; belittling. Jefferson, as if disposed to assail the sovereignty of the English tongue as well as the sovereignty of the English ...
) Of no value or account; worthless; bad; useless. Naught (a.) Hence, vile; base; naughty. Naughtily (adv.) In a naughty manner; wickedly; perversely. Naughtiness (n.) The quality or state of being naughty; perverseness; badness; wickedness. Naughtly (adv.) Naughtily; wrongly. ...
A trivial or worthless article. A piece of junk. Complete nonsense. used in: The Purloined Letter trysail A small fore-and-aft sail hoisted abaft the foremast and mainmast in a storm to keep a ship's bow to the wind. used in: A Descent Into The Maelstrom tubercles small, abnormal ...
doggrel trivial or worthless verse; the modern spelling doggerel is incorrectly printed in some editions of The Lord of the Rings dolven delved, mined, dug out doom fate (as opposed to modern usage, doom in this sense is not necessarily bad) dotard a person who has lost their wits, espec...
jacknouna small worthless amount jackalnounOld World nocturnal canine mammal closely related to the dog; smaller than a wolf; sometimes hunts in a pack but usually singly or as a member of a pair jackdawnouncommon black-and-grey Eurasian bird noted for thievery ...