作者: R Jalbert 摘要: A personal narrative is presented which explores the author's experience of working with Alois Mokambo, a wisdom figure or a mentor who is a widowed father and a social worker at the Kibera community in Nairobi, Kenya in 2001. 年份: 2014 收藏...
The modern form probably is by folk etymology derivation from Greeksophos"wise" +mōros"foolish, dull" (seemoron), "as if in allusion to the exaggerated opinion which students at this age are apt to have of their wisdom" [Century Dictionary]. The 17c.-eris perhaps based onphilosopher,sorcer...
Synonyms for KNOWLEDGE: science, wisdom, expertise, information, lore, awareness, data, evidence; Antonyms of KNOWLEDGE: ignorance, innocence, inexperience, unfamiliarity, nescience, illiteracy, functional illiteracy, illiterateness
"way of proceeding, manner;" wisdom; wiseacre; wit (n.) "mental capacity;" wit (v.) "to know;" witenagemot; witting; wot. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit veda "I know;" Avestan vaeda "I know;" Greek oida, Doric woida "I ...
Go deeper than the music! Dive into the soul of the King with 29 powerful Words of Wisdom quotes by Elvis Presley.
The article reports that some sayings related to wellness from past are true. For example; the saying 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' is absolutely right as the skin of apple contains certain compounds that have anti-cancer effects. Another saying 'early to bed and early to rise ...
Located in southwest China's Sichuan Province, the cultural heritage site has been preserved in tribute to Su Xun and his two sons Su Shi and Su Zhe, and their words of wisdom have been quoted on multiple occasions by Xi. "Solid groundwork is the first step in the construction of archite...
s why I want to figure out what I can about these photos – not only for my own fulfillment but for that of future generations of Winters. I’m not going to have children of my own, but maybe someday, when a great-great-nephew of mine with an interest in genealogy is tunneling ...
This adage still holds true today. It has been cited by Chinese President Xi Jinping on multiple occasions. The latest was related to a pledge on hosting a great Winter Olympics. On July 31, 2015, before the International Olympic Committee (IOC) voted to decide the hosting right of the 20...
Buddhadharma is extremely wonderful and dialectical. When learning it, we need to have sufficient wisdom to perceive it. As far as words and language are concerned, we must put them to skillful use and not blindly dismiss the sutras or teachings.The dictum is to not depart from language and...