"period between Ash Wednesday and Easter," late 14c., short forLenten(n.) "the forty days of fasting before Easter" in the Christian calendar (early 12c.), from Old Englishlencten"springtime, spring," the season, also "the fast of Lent," from West Germanic*langitinaz"long-days," or...
Articles Related topanic The Words of the Week - Mar. 17 Dictionary lookups from the law, politics, and springtime Words Named After People Find out who’s behind "leotard," "morphine," and more. The Mythological Origin of 'Panic'
Spring is finally around the corner; time to forget the cold winter season and look forward to sunny days. As much as well like to think spring has got all the solutions to our problems, it doesn’t. Springtime comes with its fair share of problems. You could make the most out of the...
The vibrant flowers bloomed in the springtime. The serene lake reflected the mountains in the distance. The wild animals roamed freely in the wilderness. Frequently Asked Questions What are some words to describe the colors of a sunset?
sprauncier sprayboard sprightful springboks springbuck springhalt springhead springtail springtime springwood sprinkling spritsails spumescent spurnpoint spyglasses spymasters squadroned squamation squamellas squamulate squamulose squashable squattling squeezeman squeteague squirarchy squirrelly stabilizer stache...
springtime straszheim summertime sundheim waldheim warehime wartime wehrheim werdesheim wertheim windchime windheim wineheim wintertime What the Table Columns Mean Word: A word that rhymes with time. Rhyming Percentage: How closely the word rhymes with time. A 100 means perfect rhyme while an 80 or...
famine would end by the springtime and that all would be well with the crops. This story not only shows a significant tie between Witches and the dead but has provided a strong but much-debated possible source for the word “Warlock” and has influenced why I use that word to describe ...
Perhaps it’s the scammers that are proliferating like springtime dandelions. We hear too many stories of people who have been drawn into their web of deceit and lost massive amounts of money. As people have wised up in specific ways, the scammers have become more sophisticated and creative...
found myself passing through towns familiar from the asteroid evacuation scenes in Niven and Pournelle’s Lucifer’s Hammer. Then, like the flick of a light switch, I pulled out of a rainy, overcast LA, through a thousand foot layer of cloud, and out into the Nebraska springtime atop ...
It is easy for many people to catch a cold in the springtime or fall. It makes us wonder if scientists can send a man to the moon, why can’t they find a cure for the common cold The answer is easy. There are actually different cold viruses out there. You never know which one ...