1889, "sportsmanlike;" 1962, "in the style of a sports car," fromsport(n.) orsports, +-y(2). Related:Sportily;sportiness. dis- word-forming element of Latin origin meaning 1. "lack of, not" (as indishonest); 2. "opposite of, do the opposite of" (as indisallow); 3. "apart...
The following words are all related to sports. Read them and choose the sentences that follow. Make changes if necessary.Championshipcoachwillpowertechniquesprinterinjuryfinalrecord1. The___and team members have as work together.2. Italy won the European Football___.3. Her___has improved a lot...
Using Topic-related e All of the following words are related to sports. Read them closely andy None of use them to complete the sentences that follow. Make changes if necess make it co title Model:coach prize Dogs are. champion.fan. tennis.court double Key:Dogs a I The and team members...
Sports are a great source of enjoyment and competition for people around the world. There are many expressions related to sports in English that we use in our daily lives. In the United States, the most popular sports include baseball an...
can describe while putting new vocabulary to good use. This goes for both oral and written descriptions. You may give them some guidance, like indicating that they have to use at least five adjectives in their description, or five words related to sports, weather, etc…to no guidance at ...
Synonyms for SPORT: recreation, relaxation, fun, entertainment, amusement, enjoyment, play, pleasure; Antonyms of SPORT: work, labor, duty, drudgery, responsibility, obligation, earnest, gravity
Using Topic-related Terms All of the following words are related to sports. Read them closely and the use them to complete the sentences that follow. Make changes if necesan.prize title.champion coach court•fan. tennis. double1 The gand team members have to work together in order to win...
Using Topic-related Terms All of the following words are related to sports. Read them closely and then use them to complete the sentences that follow. Make changes if necessary..title*championcoach prize.fan.tennis double court1 The and team members have to work together in order to win.2 ...
sports 1 of 2 noun Definition of sports plural of sport 1as in ridiculesthe making of unkind jokes as a way of showing one's scorn for someone or something taught their children that it was not polite to make sport of others Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance ridicules disdains ...
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