Synonyms for DREAM: daydream, illusion, fantasy, vision, delusion, phantasy, nightmare, idea; Antonyms of DREAM: fact, reality, actuality, means, way, method, failure, disappointment
It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskritsvapnah, Avestankvafna-, Greekhypnos, Latinsomnus, Lithuaniansapnas, Old Church Slavonicsunu, Old Irishsuan, Welshhun"sleep;" Latinsopor"a deep sleep;" Old Englishswefn, Old Norsesvefn"a dream."...
Synonyms for CONCEIVE: imagine, envision, see, visualize, envisage, dream, picture, vision; Antonyms of CONCEIVE: miss, misunderstand, misinterpret, misread, mistake, misconstrue, misconceive, misapprehend
If you’re an author or aspiring author, it’s important tobe familiar with the publishing processso that you can follow your work every step of the way. These words are related to books and should be a part of your vocabulary if you dream of seeing your name on the cover of a novel...
A dream is a collection of images or ideas that cross our minds while we sleep. The goal or height we have for our lives is another definition of a dream. Dream drives people to strive hard to achieve their objectives. The dream is a motivator that aids in the pursuit of our objectives...
Throughout history, people have been fascinated by theirdreams. Dreams have been analyzed, studied and discussed. Recently, progress has been made towards understanding how we dream. Brain activity can be monitored during sleep in order to discover which parts of the brain are responsible for dream...
I am not alone in having this dream. The science fiction writer Neal Stephenson wrote about the potential influence of technology on education in his novel The Diamond Age. The book is set in a future world that introduces the concept of using AI, in the form of a highly advanced interacti...
Hibernatation Hibernate horizontal sleep touchpad Touchpad vertical wheel wide 5rc1 David dfarning Farning Fox merging Rosetta sbcglobal translation Triage Kassis Nicolas ok special accordingly addressed adjust basically coexist Copying designed direcory ensures ftp Gunzip gzipped launchers loosely modify...
There was a sequel dream the very next night. In the sequel dream, the whole congregation was moving away to Mother’s new church. The women brought colorful flowering plants from their gardens, potted in shiny cans of rich soil for the trip. The men took the cans and loaded them on ...
to a greater degree than your own health, well-being and happiness” by Dr. Neder. He explained, “When you carefully consider your words, thoughts and actions, and specifically how they will benefit that other person, you’re inlove.” In A Midsummer Night 's Dream, William Shakespeare ...