The English coin was originally set at one-twelfth of a shilling (or 240 to a Tower pound) and was of silver, later copper, then bronze. There are two plural forms:penniesof individual coins,pencecollectively. In Middle English, any coin could be called apenny, and in translations it ren...
Words within Words with Penny Fancy Nancy’s Mystery Word Flat Stanley’s Mystery Word Biscuit’s Mystery Word Little Bear’s Mystery Word Words within Words with Little Bear Danny and the Dinosaur’s Mystery Word Words Within Words with Danny and the Dinosaur Practicing Spanish Words...
Combien? How much does it cost?C'est combien? MONEYl'argent NICKELla pièce de 5 cents PENNYsou PURSEle sac à main QUARTERpièce de 25 cents WALLETle portefeuilleLittle ExplorersEnglish-French Picture DictionaryA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z...
Synonyms for MISER: hunks, skinflint, tightwad, niggard, cheapskate, scrooge, piker, penny-pincher; Antonyms of MISER: spendthrift, spender, prodigal, waster, wastrel, profligate, squanderer
Words related to weight: pennyweight, underweight, weightage, weightless, weighty, welterweight, *wegh-
penny-pinching pinching spare niggard mingy conserving thrifty frugal small stinting economizing saving pinchpenny avaricious chary closefisted acquisitive covetous hoggish mercenary rapacious shabby avid sordid grudging grasping envious resentful begrudging itchy scri...
To attract eyeballs, some celebrities used the Internet to hype up themselves, and their fans crazily imitated their misbehaviors. As a result, some fans got confused with their identity, while others spent every penny they had in chasing their idols. Behind all these abno...
penny peons peony pepla pepos peppy pepsi pesky pesos pewee peyse phage phang phase phene pheon phese phial phish phizz phlox phoca phone phono phons phony phyla phyle piani piano pians pibal pical picas piccy picks picky picul piece piend piezo piggy pigmy piing pikas pikau piked pikes ...
But there are also those somewhere in between out of reach and those we can buy albeit for a pretty penny. We’ll start with one of my faves: the Cartier Love Bracelet. I love everything about it including its simplicity to its meaning. Its unassuming yet distinctive design has stood ...
Related words Usage Vulgarity SlangMap quite a penny noun - uncountable a large amount of money. My coin collection is worthquite a penny. See more words with the same meaning:money. Last edited on Oct 19 2012. Submitted byWalter Rader (Editor)from Sacramento, CA, USA onSep 14 2009. ...