"without sound reasoning according to rules of logic," 1580s, from assimilated form ofin-(1) "not, opposite of" +logical. Related:Illogically. metalogical(n.) "beyond the sphere of logic, transcending logic," by 1865; seemeta-in the third sense of "transcending, overarching, dealing with...
ideo- word-forming element variously used with reference to images or to ideas, from Greekidea"form; the look of a thing; a kind, sort, nature; mode, fashion," in logic, "a class, kind, sort, species" (seeidea).
It is necessary to use linking words to get higher scores, but you need to use them in the right way. 使用连接词来获得更高的分数是必要的,但是你需要以正确的方式使用它们。 You use linking words to make the structure of your ideas clearer. 使用连接词是为了让思维的结构更清晰。 What does ...
thought reasoning conception logic idea reason concept notion Noun The key question: What does death awareness do to people? After writing about death, people tend to quickly move on, pushing thoughts of it from consciousness with distractions, rationalizations, and other tactics. Discover Magazine,...
What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
Check our Scrabble Word Finder, Wordle solver, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with r. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! Related: Words that end in r, Words containing r...
Logic Philosophy Books Magazines Manga Marketing Books Marriage & Family Martial Arts & Self-Defense Books Mathematics Books Media Tie-ins Comic Books & Graphic Novels Medical Biographies & Memoirs Medical Books Medical Education & Training Books Medical Essay Books Medical History Books Medieval History...
macondoprovides the logic for the actual crossword board game.liwordsadds the web app logic to allow two players to play against each other, or against a computer, etc. macondoalso provides a bot. The app requiresliwords-socketas a socket server. See the instructions above for how to run...
Let us move to development I have created a project on Android studio with empty activity let us start coding. In theMainActivity.ktwe can find the business logic for buttons. class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { var wordSimilar: Button? =nullvar sentenceSimilar:Button? =nullvar simila...
Someresponses may be directly linked to a developing pattern of responses and defy logic.For example, a person who says “No!” to a serials of charges like “You're dumb,"“You're lazy," and “You're dishonest," may also say “No!” and try to justify his orher response if the...