Words related to free: care-free, fancy-free, freebie, free-born, freedman, freedom, free-fall, free-hand, free-handed, freehold
The words liberty and license are common synonyms of freedom. While all three words mean "the power or condition of acting without compulsion," freedom has a broad range of application from total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered or frustrated. freedom of the...
Formerly of such things as an exemption or license granted by the Pope, or special immunity or advantage (as freedom of speech) granted to persons in authority or in office; in modern times, with general equality of all under the law, it is used of the basic rights common to all citizen...
This section introduces a series of articles related to press freedom in the U.S. as of June 2005.Nieman Reports
Whenever I am moved to shout “Rights!” or “Freedom!” I glance down at my wrist. What would Jesus do? He’d give up every prerogative (Philippians 2); He’d surrender His life on a cross–to provide both freedoms–the freedom from sin and the freedom to serve. ...
Synonyms for JUST: exactly, precisely, perfectly, even, to a T, expressly, similarly, uniformly; Antonyms of JUST: somewhat, slightly, vaguely, differently, variably, well, significantly, substantially
270). For Dōgen, how one negotiates the use of expressions so as to conceal and reveal the ineffable is the actualization of freedom: At this time, while we continue aiming to arrive at freedom, as the ultimate treasure object, this intention to arrive is itself real manifestation—and ...
not. I could ignore their rules and do as I wish, but that would not be very smart on my part. I have the freedom to do what Iwant, but I also have to be responsible. As a teenage girl, the last thing I want is to be sitting in a classroom seven hours a day and then come...
Learning to “play” with our beliefs. . . . Kevin Gushiken.A Theology of Play: Learning to Enjoy Life as God Intended.176p., $24.99,Kregel Academic. God has given humans freedom and permission to play–to fully enjoy life’s moments as he intended, with no ulterior motive. The Christi...
He thought the highest pleasure (tranquility and freedom from fear) was obtained by knowledge, friendship, and living a virtuous and temperate life. He lauded the enjoyment of simple pleasures, by which he meant abstaining from bodily desires, such as sex and appetites. used in: The Murders ...