alsore-forest, "to restore to a wooded condition, replant with forest trees," 1831, fromre-"back, again" + verb use offorest(n.). Related:Reforested;reforesting. Comparereafforest. *dhwer- Proto-Indo-European root meaning "door, doorway." The base form is frequently in dual or plur...
Another theory traces it through Medieval Latin forestis, originally "forest preserve, game preserve," from Latin forum in legal sense "court, judgment;" in other words "land subject to a ban" [Buck]. Replaced Old English wudu (see wood (n.)). Spanish and Portuguese floresta have been in...
an area of darkness under or next to an object such as a tree,5. canopywhere sunlight does not reach6. foliageD.a smal, hard object produced by plants, from which a new plant7. forestof the same kind grows8. leafE.the watery substance that carries food through a plant9.logF. the ...
ForestDiscourse analysisPolicy analysisMethodsThis review takes stock of research on forest-related discourses across disciplines.Results suggest a need for emphasizing the politics of discourse.This includes questions on "where" and "by whom" discourses are institutionalized.To explore this, more ...
Recent Examples of marten In North America, the loss of large, old-growth trees could reduce the ranks of forest specialists, such as martens and fishers, members of the weasel family that den inside tree hollows. Emily Anthes, New York Times, 15 Oct. 2023 Beavers expand the water system ...
Plant-Related Words ANGLAIS Français ACORN le gland la pomme l'artichaut l'avocat la banane BLACKBERRY la mûre le brocoli le bouton BUSH le buisson CABBAGE le chou le cactus CARNATION l'oeillet la carotte CAULIFLOWER le chou-fleur
Synonyms for CHAMOIS: mink, beaver, rabbit, marten, otter, badger, ermine, muskrat, racoon, sable
•森林 (Sēnlín): Forest •穆澤 (Mù zé): Museum •教會 (Jiàohuì): Church •警察局 (Jǐngchá jú): Police station •醫院 (Yīyuàn): Hospital Chinese nouns for transportation • 公共汽車 (Gōnggòng qìchē): Bus • 塔克西 (Tǎ kè xī): Taxi • 火車 (Huǒchē): ...
Not quite as extensive as a forest but certainly comprising more than a few shrubs, a grove is a small grouping of trees that lacks dense undergrowth. The word often signifies a group of trees planted for a specific purpose, such as to produce nuts or fruit, like a pecan or orange grove...
A cherry brandy manufactured chiefly in the Black Forest in Germany. used in: The Angel of the Odd Kraken Probably no legendary sea monster was as horrifying as the Kraken. According to stories, this huge creature, resembling a giant squid, could reach as high as the top of a sailing ship...