early 13c.,chatel"property, goods," from Old Frenchchatel"chattels, goods, wealth, possessions, property; profit; cattle," from Late Latincapitale"property" (seecattle, which is the Old North French form of the same word). Application to slaves is from 1640s and the word later became a ...
What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
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We use "slaughter" in many cases to refer to slaughterhouses where cattle are killed, like pigs and cows, for example. It has the image of brutally killing. However, "manslaughter" refers to an accidental killing. For example, driving in a car and just through some strange accident, maybe...
Giraffes are related (有亲戚关系的) to deer and cattle.Do you know that zoo also has an animal _ 42_? Zoo animals get a check-up at the zoo hospital every two years. The veterinarians(兽医) take care of the animals. If an animal is_B_43_ sick, it will get an X-ray and ...
Canadian winters are cold, but Alberta takes it to an entirely new level. My mom and dad love to tell the story of a pair of boots that my grandmother sent to them to keep warm in the winter. Well, my dad wore them out on one cattle drive (my dad was a rancher) and it was ...
Still many animals are afraid of humans, are constantly on the look out for what is coming, are stressed during husbandry procedures or have stereotypes related to the lack of a good understanding of behaviour, timing and learning. Teaching animals about their captive environment, daily procedures...
英语单词起源(OriginofEnglishwords) 英语词汇起源及妙记 本选集 本指的是诗、文、曲、画等的选集。这个词本身就是一首诗。我们知 道,所谓”选集”,是从某人或一些人的作品中选出精华编辑而成的 集子。编辑的工作,就象是从万紫千红的百花园中采撷心爱的花枝编 制五彩缤纷的精美的花篮敬献给读者。选正是”...
“笑掉大牙”is translated into “ to laugh off one’s head”. From the above examples, we can know that things or animals like cattle, horse have different meanings in different context, so they has to be changed into the things with equivalent denotation in their context. The word "dog...