sand-bank(n.) "hill of sand formed in a river or sea by tides and currents," 1580s; seesand(n.) +bank(n.2). snowbank(n.) alsosnow-bank, "bank or drift of snow," 1779, fromsnow(n.) +bank(n.2).
Synonyms for BANK: cluster, batch, collection, array, group, bunch, battery, set; Antonyms of BANK: unit, entity, item, single, withdraw, remove, pay, take out
BANKla banque CALCULATORla calculatrice CENTle cent CHANGE PURSEle porte-monnaie CHECKle chèque CHECKBOOKle carnet de chèques COINla pièce CREDIT CARDla carte de crédit DOLLARdollar How much?Combien? How much does it cost?C'est combien? MONEYl'argent NICKELla pièce de 5 cents PENNYsou ...
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide The Difference Between 'i.e.' and 'e.g.' Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'?
Yep, this one's in the slang dictionary too. Find out if it's meant to be used in serious or humorous situations.Read more. Advertisement Games Calling all cruciverbalists! Sharpen your mind with crosswords and word games, or take a brain break with your favorite classic ga...
There, as the latest movie colony "girl next door," sunny-faced Doris soon became a leading movie attraction as well as the world's top female recording star. "She's the girl next door, all right," said one Hollywood admirer. "Next door to the bank." [Life magazine, Dec. 22, ...
Complete the passage with suitable words from the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.accomplishedboundariesconstantlyoptionhustleisolatinglimitationsobstaclesoptionspanicpopularizingproductivityincentiveseeminglyworkforceA commitment to long hours of hard work to earn success has been ...
Bank of America. May I help you? I'm trying to save some money for anything. Just a moment. I'm afraid. Not sir arthur. China eastern airlines, sir, attention airplane, please. Will this be person to person or station today? Who would you like to speak to? I'd like to make a...
site, in otherwords,should not be restricted by any agreement or assurance entered into with the HongkongandShanghai Bank. 換句話說,任何出現在該㆞點㆖的建築物都不 應受到政府與香港㆖海匯豐銀行所達成的任何協議或政府給予該銀行的任何保證所限 制。
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