Try this words per minute test typing for kids. Check your speed and accuracy after you type 3 sentences in one of our popular wpm tests. Being able to type is becoming more and more important to students. Speed typing and accuracy can be built when immediate feedback is given. Our free...
Take an online free typing test to test your typing speeds. The test works with a normal and qwerty mobile keyboard.. click start to being... New Test Print Results Note:To accurately and precisely evaluate your word per minute typing speed and accuracy, please make sure to click the stop...
WPM means words per minute. WPM is a very useful tool that is commonly used to measure the speed of computer typing. When you are trying to increase your typing speed, then a WPM test can help you. The fingers skill is related to typing, so it’s very important to find a specific ...
Typing speeds are measured in words per minute or WPM. Start typing above to begin the test, it will automatically start counting down how much time you have left. While you type the word will be highlighted in green. The typing area will turn red when you make any mistakes. Type as fa...
The test is very friendly, displaying a clock that shows how much time you have left. At the end of the test you will be shown a results box. This way you can see how many mistakes you made during the test and your tested typing speed (calculated inwords per minute). ...
• Typing test ( # words per minute • 打字考试(每分钟 # 个词 MultiUn Typing test (54 words per minute) 打字考试(每分钟54个词) UN-2 Some people have become so proficient at Braille that they can read up to 200 words per minute! 有些人摸读点字的速度极快,每分钟能摸读...
The Average WPM Speed Why WPM Matters How to Take a WPM Test Do Mechanical Keyboards Improve WPM? What Words Per Minute Means Words per minute, or WPM, refers to the number of words processed in one minute while typing, writing, or reading. Average typing speed can also be used to deter...
Short for Words Per Minute, WPM is a metric used to calculate one's proficiency with a keyboard by counting how many words one types without making any errors in one minute. For example, many companies that regularly use computers require new employees to take a typing test, measured in ...
Take typing speed test, practice your touch typing skills, learn to type faster and with fewer errors with this free online typing tutor. 1. What is the benefits of Typing Test Lesson 66 (Easy Home Row Words)? Typing Test 66 (Easy Home Row Words) is the act of typing quickly without ...
CPS Test Reaction Test Typing Test Spacebar Click Test Short Memory Test Time Perception Test Hearing Test Hand Eye Coordination Test Aim Test Scroll Test Mouse Test Number Memory Test Coreball Color Recognition Test Escapa Game Reading Speed Test ...