Words per minute, or WPM, refers to the number of words processed in one minute while typing, writing, or reading. Average typing speed can also be used to determine efficiency on a 10-key number pad or the alphabet, but it is most commonly used regarding alphanumeric keys. A word in ...
According to the WPM, the average typing speed is 41 wpm. That’s why, If you type at an average speed, you should be able to type 41 words per minute (WPM). This helps qualify for most jobs such as secretary, accountant, or typist because these jobs require you to write or type ...
Short for Words Per Minute, WPM is a metric used to calculate one's proficiency with a keyboard by counting how many words one types without making any errors in one minute. For example, many companies that regularly use computers require new employees to take a typing test, measured in ...
英英释义 the rate at which words are produced (as in speaking or typing) 访问沪江小D查看words per minute的更多详细解释>相关短语 tentative palpation(诊脉时间较短,约一分钟左右) 初持 hybrid system (包含数字与模拟两部分) 混合系统 biquinary representation (数的) 二五混合进制表示 sagitta (数学的)...
The average person may speak about 125 words per minute, while records show that an average reading speed is 230-250 words per minute. 普通人每分钟也许能说125字左右,虽然记录表明每分钟阅读的平均速度大约是230-250字。 jw2019 Rate enhancement strategies can increase the user's rate of output...
In only a few weeks, my average reading speed went from roughly 450 words per minute, to over 900. 几个星期后,我的阅读平均速度由原来的450字每分钟提高到900多字每分钟。 article.yeeyan.org 9. "Wubi hit 100 words per minute exclusive Cheats excel at the earliest, " used in typing method...
In onlya fewweeks,myaveragereadingspeedwentfromroughly450wordsperminute,to over900. 几个星期后,我的阅读平均速度由原来的450字每分钟提高到900多字每分钟。 article.yeeyan.org 9. "Wubihit100wordsperminuteexclusiveCheatsexcelattheearliest,"usedintypingmethodissuitablefor five-stroke86edition. ...
how are words per minute (wpm) measured in the context of typing speed? wpm is a metric used to measure typing speed. it is the number of words a person can accurately type within one minute. to calculate wpm, the total number of characters typed is divided by five, as the average ...
Words per minute seems to apply mostly to typing, but is there a measure or a test of the number of words per minute that a person can read? I feel like I am a pretty fast reader but I have never actually been able to compare my speed to others, or to an average speed. ...
generate 90 characters, or about 18 words, per minute. Later, asked to give his answers to open-ended questions, which required some pauses for thought, he generated 73.8 characters (close to 15 words, on average) per minute, tripling the previous free-composition record set in t...