THE SEVEN LAST WORDS OF JESUS ON THE CROSS 〔Simplified Chinese〕 海罗伯博士(Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.)著 主日,二○一六年三月廿日晚 于洛杉矶 浸信会幕所宣之道 A sermon preached at the Baptist Tabernacle of Los Angeles Lord's Day Evening, March 20, 2016 "到了一个地方,名叫髑髅地,就在...
Outside of the physical truth that Jesus was horribly depleted as he agonized on the cross, his “I thirst” statement signifies divine completion. He is proclaiming this thirst in powerful obedience to fulfill prophecy, such as Psalm 22 where David cries out “why have you forsaken me?” an...
Each of the gospels has its unique insights into the meaning of passion; each paints its own distinctive portrait of the man on the cross. We are used to meditating on the last seven words from the cross, drawn from all four gospels, but the gospels also record several sayings of Jesus ...
Sit with that for a moment. Because when we say “Jesus died on the cross”, it can be a distant concept: an idea that’s too far, too alien for us to see clearly. ButPsalm 22is where we see it. The agony. The loneliness. The heart-breaking, torturous physical pain. Jesus is i...
“About fifteen years ago I was requested by a canon from Cádiz to compose instrumental music on the seven last words of Jesus on the cross. “It was customary at the Cathedral of Cádiz to produce an oratorio every year during Lent, the effect of the performance being not a little ...
Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134) Isaiah 28 Advent Scriptures (Messianic) Daniel Rebuild & Renew: Post-Exilic Books Gospels Christmas Incarnation (Mt, Lk) Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7) Luke's Gospel John's Gospel Seven Last Words of Christ Parables Jesus and the Kingdom of God Resurrection...
She has documented everything…childbirth, wars, weddings, family visits, farm chores, historic milestones, and even the death of her beloved husband Donald in 2010. When she was once hospitalized, she wrote down her thoughts on a pieces of paper and later entered them in her diary. Her com...
在Apple Music 上欣赏安东尼 · 罗尔夫 · 约翰逊, 阿诺德 · 勋伯格合唱团, 维也纳古乐合奏团, 英嘉 · 尼尔森, Margareta Hintermeier, 尼古拉斯・哈农库特 & Robert Hillyer的《The Seven Last Words of Christ On the Cross Hob. XX, 2: VII "Jesus Rufet"》。1992年
Die Sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze (The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross), for string quartet, H. 3/50-56: L' Die Sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze (The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross), for string quartet, H. 3/50-56: ...
This cry of abandonment is famously echoed by Jesus on the cross (Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34), highlighting the psalm's prophetic nature. It reflects a profound sense of separation from God, a feeling that resonates with believers in times of distress. Why are You so far from saving me...