Words of wisdom Chiara Rimella reporting from London: Lessons about how to run your firm more effectively don’t always come from straight-up business books: enlightenment and inspiration can strike at any time and be gleaned from even the least likely of tomes. Here we meet successful company...
Wise words are like deep waters; wisdom flows from the wise like a bubbling brook.English Standard VersionThe words of a man’s mouth are deep waters; the fountain of wisdom is a bubbling brook.Berean Standard BibleThe words of a man’s mouth are deep waters; the fountain of wisdom is...
words of wisdom“words of wisdom”的中文含义是“至理名言”或“智慧箴言”,这是一类深具哲理和智慧的话语,它们历经时间的考验,被广泛接受并传承。以下是对“words of wisdom”的详细解读: 一、定义与特点 “words of wisdom”作为至理名言或智慧箴言,其本质在于蕴含深刻的智慧和哲...
Such as "the Bible • Proverbs," it reads: "My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands, and give ear unto wisdom, deliberately seeking smart, cry Mingzhe, speaker and smart, looking for it, such as looking for the silver; Hunting for it, such as for hidden treasure...
Don’t forget my words or turn away from them.American Standard VersionGet wisdom, get understanding; Forget not, neither decline from the words of my mouth;Berean Study BibleGet wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn from them.Douay-Rheims BibleGet wisdom, get prudence:...
Words of Wisdom: Excerpts from the Remarks Delivered at the 2018 Museum GalaDONILON, THOMAS E.FINK, LAURENCE D.DUDLEY, WILLIAM C.YELLEN, JANET L.Financial History
Words of Wisdom from Rainer Maria Rilke 很难想象,写下这些充满哲思的信件时,里尔克也只不过26,7岁。他给出的那些关于写作,人生选择,爱与诗歌的建议,如此透彻,深邃,读起来仿佛出自一位耄耋之年的老者。曾几何时,我也迫切的希望人生中出现这样一位导师,用自身沉淀的智慧为我答疑解惑。然而,当这个人迟迟不出现...
“If I listen, I have the advantage… If I speak, others have it.” - Moroccan Proverb “Everyone is creator of his own happiness.” - Slovakian Proverb “The path is made by walking.” - South African Proverb “The more wisdom you acquire, the more humble you become.” ...
当当上海外文书店旗舰店在线销售正版《预订Warren Buffett's Ground Rules:Words of Wisdom from the Partnership Letters of the World's Greatest》。最新《预订Warren Buffett's Ground Rules:Words of Wisdom from the Partnership Letters of the World's Greatest》简
Words of Wisdom as my son turns 20 (originally posted in 2015; he is now 27!) Nov 30 – so thankful that on this day, 20 years ago, I became a mother for the 2nd time. I was only 23 years old and I didn’t know much, still don’t, but I’d like to think I learned a ...