it seemed to me, had spent hours with their digital thesaurus app searching for the most impactful adjectives. I tweeted to them (yes, I am a twit on twitter), “enough of the breathless reporting. Where
aThanks so much for all the wonderful emails!! I love all the updates and the words of encouragement it really helps!! And thanks again for all the prayers they are working miracles!! 非常感谢所有美妙的电子邮件!! 我爱所有更新和它真正地帮助!的鼓励的话! 并且感谢所有祷告他们再运作奇迹!![tr...
Though some digital functions confuse d her _4_, patient help with instructions a few times an d some encouragement helped her overcome the teething troubles. _5_, such interactions have deepene d our bonds,establishing a firm emotional connect.An elderly-inclusive digital society, I' d reckon...
It is her friendliness and the sense of responsibility that make me admire her. When I failed the exam last month and was in low spirits, she patted me gently on the shoulder and gave me great encouragement. She teaches us not only gain knowledge but also how to be a good person.Having...
To that end, I submit the following critiques and encouragements (not exhaustive within themselves!) with the hope maturing the part-True expressions of Christianity that have been informed and limited by the popular thoughts of our day: Justice, Love, and Goodness With regards to false teachin...
No matter the complexity of the challenge or the frustration of the student or player, Jamie models patience, engagement, and encouragement. As the quintessential teacher/coach, Jamie demonstrates his faith in and commitment to his students through his purposeful and honest feedback and his ...
“John Trojanowski was my life partner and scientific partner and I had the privilege of spending the last 45 years working with him on neurodegenerative diseases. I would not have succeeded in science if it was not for his enthusiasm, his encouragement, his passion in science, and his insist...
managers and executives who truly embodied thevalues of respect, humility and service.These altruistic and motivational men and women were my role models and taught me the importance of recognition, encouragement, honesty and integrity. They taught me to stay focused on the team member’s needs ab...
I’ve enjoyed blogging for almost fifteen years now and I’ve tried my best to offer hope and encouragement to anyone who stumbles across In My Own Words on But my ultimate objective is and has always been to point people to the hope and love and grace that is only fou...
The course was very well marked and volunteers marshaled at each road crossing, offering encouragement as you went by. The course was fast & flowy singletrack sprinkled with some tree roots, puddles, and rocks. It meandered from clearcut meadows through dense forrest. We experienced sun, rain...