~Christian D. Larson Poem of Encouragement Charge the Hill At the base of the mountain I raise my eyes To the climb that looms ahead. And though I tremble at the road before It is the path that I must tread. My heart beats wildly and my legs feel weak but my comfort comes in know...
There are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our encouragement, who will need our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give. —Leo Buscaglia 118...
Exegetical Brief: First Thessalonians 4:4 "That each of you should learn to acquire a wife in a way that is holy and honorable." A brief on Paul's encouragement to the Thessalonians (and to us) to sanctified living in a Christian marriage. In the process, Professor Zell examines the ....
You'll find that here.I've been writing articles on a variety of topics, both secular and Biblical, stories with a Biblical application, and lessons from the Bible for twenty-five years.Some of them are posted here for your encouragement, with more coming!Take some time to browse and read...
It is not an exaggeration to say counseling is a one of big parts in Christianity. One of the goals of Christianity is to sanctify and edify the saints with words of encouragement, exhortation, and admonishment. Through a process of counseling, therefore, Christians face problems and suffering ...
Posted inEncouragement|TaggedAchieving,Denise Miller Holmes,Encouragement,Writer|Leave a comment Flash Fiction — The Swap Posted onJune 17, 2022bywftjourney By Denise Miller Holmes, Director It’s amazing how one piece of mail can change a life and cause great embarrassment at the same time. ...
Scott about his book, Jesus Speaks: 365 Days of Guidance and Encouragement, Straight from the Words of Christ (Waterbrook Press, 2016).Why do you believe Christians need to immerse themselves in the words of Christ?Steven K. Scott: Jesus made at least 21 miraculous promises about his ...
THESE THINGS CONTINUE FOREVER: FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE, AND THE GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE. GALATIANS 4: 7 Love and Hope - Words of Encouragement and Faith is the story of Jesus told with The New Testament Scriptures from the Living Bible. Coupled with Jana Shelton's Christian poetry to war...
In addition I appreciate the graduation gifts, cards and words of encouragement as I celebrated graduation from high school. I promise to work hard and use all gifts wisely. And, most importantly I can’t thank you enough for your prayers, opportunities and support given me growing up in ...
September 2012(1) July 2012(1) June 2012(3) May 2012(2) April 2012(1) March 2012(2) January 2012(1) December 2011(3) October 2011(1) Blogroll (in)courage.meWords of encouragement for the heart DaySpring CardsChristian cards and gifts...