St. Anthony’s Boy’s School. Sometimes I took a rickshaw. The driver would be peddling on the street and I would wave him down. It was cheap and I had enough pocket money. I thought school was thorough and complete meaning subjects were covered thoroughly and completely without any gaps...
“Cagarla” is a colloquial expression meaning “to mess up” or “to make a mistake.” It’s often used when someone makes a significant error or blunder. “Lo siento, caguéla con el informe de ayer.” –(I’m sorry; I messed up with yesterday’s report...
dusted and vacuumed every day before I could study. She attempted to make me her cook, but I had no talent or interest. Even easy things, like cornbread, I messed up.
We’ve rounded up some of the craziest, funniest, and most commonly used words and phrases in Ireland. From “craic” (meaning fun) to “yoke” (meaning thingamajig), this list will give you a taste of the linguistic wonders that make Irish English so unique. So, buckle up and prepare...
What is the meaning of freak me out? verb,slang To suddenly express anger or excitement in a very visible way. ... verb, slang To startle or frighten someone. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "freak" and "out." The sight of that huge needle completely freaked ...
Maybe, but maybe not. It takes more weight to balance the heavy end of a teeter-totter as you move closer to center – meaning, the more similar we become the less counter balance is asserted. In my opinion, the best way to move the fulcrum of America’s consciousness is to cultivate...
To cheer me up my dad took me out on our sailboat. It was a little messy so we took some soap and cleaned it up first. We took some sandwiches, soup, and juice and left the house early on Saturday morning. We spent a few hours sailing around the lake. It was relaxing to just ...
Gravid: pregnant; full of meaning Gyre: whirl or gyrate; a spiral or vortex Halcyon: denoting a period of time that was idyllic, happy, peaceful Hammajang: in a disorderly or chaotic state; messed up (all hammajang) Hapax legomenon: a term of which only one instance of use is recorded...
18. Лажа — A screw-up, a failure Literal definition: None Meaning: A screw-up, a failure In Russian, when you experience moments of failure or mistakes, you can use the term лажа to describe the situation. It’s a great way to acknowledge that you messed-up without being ...