The word "rune" itself comes from an early Anglo-Saxon word meaning "secret" or "mystery", and they remain an enigma to the modern world. used in: The Bells sagacious Having or showing keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness. Shrewd. used in: The Purloined Letter The Black ...
I am proud of the fact that I’ve ziplined in the rain forest, hiked (at my level) in Arches and Canyonlands National Park, boogey-boarded in the Pacific, and rode a dog sled in Alaska. I gotta admit, that was one of this dog lovers most favorite experiences ever. Every new year...
Synonyms for CHEERLESS: bleak, lonely, somber, dark, depressing, desolate, depressive, darkening; Antonyms of CHEERLESS: cheerful, bright, cheery, friendly, festive, gay, comforting, cordial
Term used by lesbians Meaning a woman is turned on In gay male leather circles, this meant term is meant for someone who isn't into the dress code Derives from the description of someone who wears bulky or "fluffy" sweaters A putdown from a leather man might be: "You look awfully fluf...
meaning Bedeutung: 1. value, worth Bedienter: 1. lackey Bedienung: 1. attendance, service, waiting Bedingung: 1. condition, stipulation, terms Bedrohung: 1. menace, threat Beduine: 1. Bedouin Bedürfnis: 1. need, want Beefsteak: 1. steak, beefsteak Beere: 1. berry Beet: 1. bed ...
While the synonyms saturnine and glum are close in meaning, saturnine describes a heavy forbidding aspect or suggests a bitter disposition. a saturnine cynic always finding fault When is it sensible to use sulky instead of glum? The words sulky and glum can be used in similar contexts, but ...
Do any of the words have a deeper meaning? BEETLE BLADES (Thomas, pg 237) A mechanical bug with a camera that the Creators use to spy on the Gladers. DEADHEADS (Alby, pg 43) A forest in the South West end of The Glade with a graveyard. GLADE (Alby, pg 9) A square area in ...
‘fried food’, sushi means ‘sour rice’ and yuzu just means, possibly, ‘fruit of tree’ – though it might come from Middle Chinese. Kimono means ‘clothing’, from kiru, ‘to wear’ + mono, ‘thing’. Saké, however, might just possibly be derived form a word meaning ‘to ...
Neo- () A prefix meaning new, recent, late; and in chemistry designating specifically that variety of metameric hydrocarbons which, when the name was applied, had been recently classified, and in which at least one carbon atom in connected directly with four other carbon atoms; -- contrasted ...
Blackwas used of dark-skinned people in Old English. Of coffee with nothing added, attested by 1796. The meaning "fierce, terrible, wicked" is from late 14c. The figurative senses often come from the notion of "without light," moral or spiritual. Latinnigerhad many of the same figurative...