69. He uses common sense to judge not the intentions of an action but its consequences.”— Paulo Coelho 70. Common sense, however it tries, cannot avoid being surprised from time to time.”— Bertrand Russell Common Sense Quotes To Help Think Straight 71. “The most confused you will eve...
We used to call it “politically correct speech”. If you say the wrong words, the consequences can be dire. I just read of another minister kicked off Twitter because of his incorrect speech about gender dysphoria. He, of course, blames it on “persecuted for righteousness’ sake”, but ...
215. “I am sorry my decisions do not meet with your approval, but nevertheless, they are mine, and the consequences are also mine.”― Rachel Caine 216. “An apology given just to appease one’sconscienceis self-serving and better left unspoken!”― Evinda Lepins I’m Sorry Quotes To...
Lord Capulet Abusive Quotes Shakespeare, Lord Capulet is most to blame for Juliet’s death because he is verbally abusive and fickle. Lord Capulet shows change throughout the play and proves that his actions have consequences. Lord Capulet is responsible for Juliet’s death because he is verbally...
Revenge Quotes In The Kite Runner In the novel, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, the motif of revenge is evident as characters face consequences for their earlier actions. At the beginning of the novel, Hassan uses a slingshot to defend Amir from Assef. When Assef “raised his fist ...
The Spiritual Consequences Of A Corrupted Biblical Text The Missing Gospel Essence Important Knowledge For SeekersThe Ebionite Nazirene Witness: As Pagans and sun worshipers, the Romans did not like the Words that God spoke directly to man in the Gospels -- and for those who are faithful enough...
suffering and struggle our medical conditions (and their consequences) cause. Finally, there’s hope, which is absolutely vital for anyone with health struggles… or struggles in general. Check out the quotes fromJoseph Campbell,Alfred LordTennyson,Frederick BuechnerandBarbara De Angelisfor meditations...
Elections have consequences. "We have the Senate and we have the White House and we have a phenomenal nominee respected by all. “... I think that she (Barrett) will be outstanding. She will be as good as anybody who has ever served on that court. We won t...
you do not.And I fully recognize the suckiest decision of all … not even going to the shopping center. Even if you hate shopping showing up at the shopping center is what it is all about. It seems almost weird to even suggest this, but simply showing up can have dramatic consequences....
Subjunctive:“If you had helped me, I would have been grateful.” (You didn’t, and I wasn’t.)Indicative:“If you helped me, I was grateful.” (You might have helped me; I just can’t remember. If you did, I was grateful.) Present: Subjunctive:“If you were helping me, I wo...