the free space in your disk is too low the frogs were jumping near the lake the front of the fruit is for my employees the fruit is from Florida the future is bright the future is female the game is called the game is tied the game was tied the garden is behind the house the gate...
Reneg the confetti with The earnest white lies? Can we spin the march backwards And sell back the rock? Twist the for-better And turn back the clock? Mendelssohn, Wagner What have you done? To what have we come? What have we become? So finally, annulment Or eventually divorce And off...
there it is outside the hole--no discernible path, neither have we ourselves been able to free it in any way. This is how some of us recover from a great illness. One day we're sick, the next we're outside the hole. We don't understand. We don't have to. It's impossible no...
This weekend marks the in between days. The days when weekend rituals of feasting that call us away from Winter and into Spring. Bells ring out and confetti settles in the cracks in the pavement. The air is laden with meat smoke. When I take a walk I am on the hill of Alithini meeti...
Free Essay: Harriet Ann Jacobs is a girl who is locked away, away in a place that only Dr. Flint knows. She is a struggling girl who wants to be free and go...