405. Learn the Top 10 Words for Connecting Thoughts in Korean是【油管搬运】800+集韩语学习教程 Learn Korean with KoreanClass101.com的第403集视频,该合集共计851集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
munchingon a snack, or choosing tofast, the rich tapestry of words related to eating offers a delightful feast for the language lover in all of us. So, the next time you sit down
eat sb for breakfast 意思是:不费吹灰之力制服(或打败) 例句: Heeatspeople like youfor breakfast. 像你这样的人,他不费吹灰之力就给制服帖了。 eat like a horse 意思是:吃得很多;饭量极大 例句: She's so thin, yet ...
“熟词偏义”是英语中常见的情况,看似每个单词都认识,连在一起就不知道是什么意思。 就像“eat one's words”,吃了你的单词=食言? 这样理解其实是不对的哦。 eat one's words不是"食言",它是指收回前言、承认错误。 譬如: After seeing Jenny business grow,Tom had to eat his words. 看着Jenny的生意...
eat sb forbreakfast意思是:不费吹灰之力制服(或打败)例句:Heeatspeople like youfor breakfast.像你这样的人,他不费吹灰之力就给制服帖了。eat like a horse意思是:吃得很多;饭量极大例句:She’s so thin, yet sheeats like a horse.她那么瘦,可饭量极大。有关“words”的其他英文词组have/exchange ...
网络释义 1. 承认说错话 成语精选 I-:- Flash cards by... ... to cook the books 做假帐 to eat your words 承认说错话 to get egg on your face 出洋相 ... cueflash.com|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,承认说错话 更多例句筛选 1. Get ready to eat your words. I'm not scared! I am...
俗话说“说出去的话,泼出去的水”,人们用这个说法比喻“说出去的话就像泼出去的水一样难以收回”。在英语里,如果某人说错了话,想收回去,那么就可以形象地用“eat your words 吃掉说出的话”来承认自己说错了话。 例句 I used to think that Louise was mean, but I had to eat my words when she gave...
To eat your words 说错的话往肚子里咽!|每日必备短语 PS:今天又有 Tessa 和 Ying 的小剧场哦~ ◆◆◆ 今日短语 俗话说“说出去的话,泼出去的水”,人们用这个说法比喻“说出去的话就像泼出去的水一样难以收回”。在英语里,如果某人说错...
The meaning of EAT is to take in through the mouth as food : ingest, chew, and swallow in turn. How to use eat in a sentence.
So Happy to Eat Their Words; Dolcelatte for Anyone? or How about Boudin Noire? the Menu Was Baffling, So It Was Lucky the Quality of the Food Spoke for Itself