Usually, the OED watches usage of a word for at least 10 years before deciding whether to add a new entry, a new definition or word related to an existing entry, she said. This general rule, however, is sometimes not followed. That is what happened with " follower" , a word that the...
Synonyms for INDIVIDUALIST: maverick, bohemian, iconoclast, loner, eccentric, nonconformist, deviant, free spirit; Antonyms of INDIVIDUALIST: adherent, conformist, supporter, sheep, follower, conformer
A follower of a polytheistic religion, as in ancient Rome. One who has little or no religion and who delights in sensual pleasures and material goods. used in: The Purloined Letter palazzo an Italian term for a large or impressive building, like a palace or a mansion. used in: The Cask...
Synonyms for MISFIT: maverick, bohemian, outsider, freak, anomaly, loner, eccentric, deviant; Antonyms of MISFIT: adherent, sheep, supporter, follower, conformist, conformer
) A follower of Newton. New-year (a.) Of or pertaining to, or suitable for, the commencement of the year; as, New-year gifts or odes. New Year's Day () the first day of a calendar year; the first day of January. Often colloquially abbreviated to New year's or new year. New ...
In each case the outcome leads to a new case in which there is a switch in the follower. In other words, if there is an edge from case i to case j in the graph, then either the instructions for case i and case j specify different followers (as is the case for cases 1.1 and ...
A follower. acrimony Biting sharpness or bitterness. adduce To offer a series of facts that will help the recipient prove something. adronitis An emotion; Frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone adulatory Excessive devotion to someone; servile flattery. adventitious Added ...
Legend: Callisto, daughter of Lycaon, king of Arcadia, of whom Jupiter was enamored, became a follower of Diana on account of her love of hunting. Jupiter sought Callisto by assuming the form of Diana, and Juno (Jupiter’s wife) who discovered the intrigue turned Callisto into a bear. Ang...
You are mostly a rule-follower and people-pleaser. You are a thinker and a questioner. You want to know about everything, and you want everyone to be happy. You are a way-too generous big brother. Your little sister is two, so she does things like hit and throw tantrums and want ...
Definition:a followerSynonym: follower, devotee.Antonym: antagonist, adversaryPrefix: ad-, meaning to.Root: Latin haerere, meaning to stick.Suffix: -ent, meaning doing or performing Proselyte Definition: someone converted to a beliefSynonym: disciple, followerAntonym: detractor, enemy.Prefix: no pre...