The results indicated that as long as category size and relative strength were equal, pictures and words appeared to activate functionally identical semantic representations. However, this commonality should not be expected across all drawings of the same referent. A second experiment using rhyming ...
Synonyms for DISABLE: cripple, incapacitate, injure, kill, mutilate, wound, maim, damage; Antonyms of DISABLE: cure, heal, remedy, fix, rehabilitate, restore, patch, repair
Strong man"man of great strength" (especially one who displays it professionally) is recorded from 1784; as a surname it is attested from late 13c. The meaning "dominating man in a political organization" is from 1859. strengthen(v.) ...
an act of notable skill, strength, or cleverness performs mental stunts, such as pronouncing words backwards as soon as you say them Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance feat deed achievement trick performance exploit coup success number tour de force accomplishment triumph adventure...
This mental approach is key because the strength and power of the mind can make one’s dreams limitless. It’s called “The Bannister Effect.” Two Wharton School professors analyzed this all and in in their book, “The Power of Impossible Thinking,” Yoram Wind and Colin Crook examined ...
3. Reflect and Let It Sink In.Compliments often feel fleeting, but you can make them last. Take time to reflect on kind words, letting them settle in your mind. Writing compliments down can help, too—a “compliment journal” can remind you of your strengths on tougher days. ...
Exercise has many benefits, not only for physical health but also your mental health as well. In the brain, exercise stimulates chemicals that improve an 1012 Words 5 Pages Decent Essays Read More The Sport Of Mental Strength In Cross Country Cross Country is a sport that is more about your...
Mental Strength Training your body for a marathon is important, but mental strength plays a crucial role in reaching the finish line. Here are some quotes to help build your mental power: “Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you’re young enough, old enough, strong en...
Free Essay: Part 2 - The Characteristics of Mental Strength Perspective is another part of mental strength, and it allows you to analyze the immediate issue...
[1]physicalandmentalfitness [2]fit adj. 健康的;适合的(suitable) keep/stayfit befitforsth befittodosth v. 适合,胜任; 合身; 合群=fitin=adaptto=adjustto; 安装=fix身心健康保持健康适合/胜任……适合/胜任做某事2.eventn.比赛项目;大事Recently,moreandmoreeventshavebeenaddedtotheOlympics.近来,越来越...