Britannica English:Translation oflovefor Arabic Speakers article aboutlove Last Updated: - Updated example sentences Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!
Meaning "to delight, attract (someone), amuse, entertain, excite agreeable sensations in" in English is from late 14c. Inverted use for "to be pleased, be satisfied" parallels the evolution of like (v.). Impersonal constructions with it, followed by an object and originally dative are ...
Read the passage and find out the correct words according to the explanations. English explanation can help you understand a word better. 1. : a feeling of not liking someone or something 2: : a piece of clothing that covers your hand 3. : in or from the north of a country 4. : be...
something or someone that is hated clichés should be the pet aversion of every good writer Synonyms & Similar Words phobias antipathies enemies hates abominations adversaries execrations anathemas bêtes noires detestations abhorrences dreads bugaboos nuisances hang-ups ...
(1).___ be like something but not the same (2).___ in or from the north of a country (3).___ a piece of clothing that covers your hand(4).___ a feeling of not liking someone or something 2Read the passage and find out the correct words according to the explanations. You ...
-Forhaveabigmouth,usesomeactionsandsimpleexamplestoexplain. -T:Now,lookatme.Imtalkingalotandmaybesayingthingswithoutthinkingcarefully.WecansayIhaveabigmouth.Itmeanssomeonetalkstoomuchorsaysthingswithoutthinking.Likeifastudentalwaysinterruptsothersandsaysalotofthingswithoutthinking,wecansayHe/Shehasabigmouth.Doyou...
Fondness/ˈfɒndnəs/A tender affection and liking for someone.I have a fondness for the way you make me feel loved and cherished every day. Glorious/ˈɡlɔːrɪəs/Magnificent and splendid, like the love you share.Our love is a glorious journey filled with beautiful moments...
Enable. To make it possible for someone to do something. Or for something to happen. For gold. The reins of things that are subject activity. Book deals with. Zero t. The usual order in which you do things or the things you really do. Reason. Reason. An idea or a picture? You a...
Only use this word to describe someone or something you cannot stand. It should be reserved for the most disgusting, revolting people you know. Elaborate ... 9. Bummed out When you're upset, say that you're bummed out. If your favorite singer cancels the concert you had tickets for, yo...
distaste (n.) "want of taste or liking (for something)," 1590s, from dis- + taste (n.). Perhaps a nativizing of French desgoust or Italian disgusto, or from the obsolete verb distaste "to disrelish, dislike" (1580s).foretaste (n.) early 15c., from fore- + taste (n.). As ...