Tagalog to Spanish Tagus Tagus River Tahiti Tahitian Taiwan Taiwanese Taj Mahal Tajikistan Take care! Take care. Takis Taliban Talk slower, please. Talmud Talokanil Tamil Tampax Tangier Tankie Tanzania Tanzanian Tao Taoism Taoist Tartar Tarzan Taser Taserface Tasmania Tasmanian Taurus Taw Taxpayer Identi...
The English language has prefixing (re-establish) and suffixing (establish-ment), and these prefixes and suffixes can be stacked to (sometimes) ridiculous extents (anti–dis-establish-ment–arian–ism). However, unlike some languages of the world (including Portuguese, Arabic, and Tagalog, to ...
Tagalog is a language spoken in the Phillippines. In Tagalog, gigil means an extreme urge to hug and squeeze someone. It works as apositive emotion, for example, “That baby is so adorable, I just want to squeeze her!” or anegative one, “You’re so irritating I could squeeze some ...