Here is the list of all the English words ending with NE grouped by number of letters: NE, -ane, DNE, ENE, -ine, LNe, NNE, one, PNe, RNE, SNe, VNE, -yne, acne, Anne.Sorted by: Alphabetical order Frequent words Size Form of searched words: Dictionary forms (nouns in the ...
Related: Broadly; broadness. The norþehumbirlonde pepelis tonge, specially yne Yorke, stradelithe soo brode, & so vnsavorly is wyde, þat þe sowtherne peple vnnethe can vndirstondyn hit. ["Mappula Angliae," Osbern Bokenham, c. 1447] ...
aunsaturated unbranched acyclic hydrocarbons having one or triple bond are named by replacing the ending "-ane" of the name of the corresponding saturated hydrocarbon with the ending "-ene" or "-yne" unsaturated unbranched acyclic hydrocarbons having one or triple bond are named by replacing the...