Found 3195 words that end in gs. Check our Scrabble Word Finder, Wordle solver, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words that end with gs. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! Related: Words that start with gs, Words ...
The novel words under consideration are of two types: (a) nouns ending in forms like -ology, -ography, -ometer, -crat, -naut, -phile; (b) nouns ending in forms like -(a)holic, -(a)thon. Forms of type (b) are only roughly identifiable due to their indeterminable size of ...
ending: n. ending: n. ,, • at the end of • (be) at an end • bring sth to an end • in the end • get hold of the wrong end of the stick • make both ends meet •• end in +n. end in +n. 以以………为告终 为告终 •...
A Happy Ending is a finale when everything ends in the best way for the hero. Poetic Justice is a type of a happy ending where the virtue is rewarded and the vice is punished. Deus ex machina a plot device dating back to ancient Greek theatre, where the conflict is resolved through a...