金牌音标(2)[ʒ] Words ending in 【-sion】 134 2018-01 8 金牌音标(2[-sual]/either [ʒ] or [ʃ]/[-rsion] 167 2018-01 9 金牌音标(2)【ʒ】Words ending in 【-sure】 126 2018-01 10 金牌音标(2)今日要领:摩擦音—浊辅音【ʒ】140612 ...
Spelling patterns: words ending in -sion and -tionCut out these cards and sort them into two groups: words ending in -sion and words ending in -tion. Practise copying each word onto a separate sheet of paper. Ask an adult to muddle up the words and then test you on the spellings....
In order to decide whether the word ends in an /s/ /z/ or /iz/ sound, we must use the sound that comes before it in the word. True False The s ending in the word dogs is pronounced as a iz s z The s in the word ducks is pronounced as a iz s z The s ending in the wo...
Hi madam, your class on pronunciation of words ending with “ion” is nice. But I want to know the pronunciation of words like digestion, congestion etc.please help me in this regard. harikishan They ALL follow the same rule! Ronnie Thank you very much Ronnie.I love your Lesson and ...
欢迎收听电子音频内容《金牌音标(2)Words ending in [-sual]140612》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
At lunch today (same restaurant, same ridiculous wait time, but thankfully the TV volume was lower this time around), I wanted to bring up the objectification of women as relevant to the conversation we were having. Since object isobjetin French, and since English words ending in -tion and...
3. English words ending in...sionin Portuguese end in...são[...saoong] and these are once again feminine. English word Portuguese word Confusion A Confusão Illusion A Ilusão Expansion A Expansão Session A Sessão Progression ...
Another place we will add the “sion” is with a verb ending in “mit”. We can see this in the word admit which will change to admission. Moving on, our next rule deals with the magic e in “ise” or “use”. When a verb ends with those three letters, you generally will need...
a syllable occurring in many nouns of Latin origin, formed when the word-forming element-ion(from Latin-ionem,-io) is fixed to a base or to another suffix ending in-tor-te. In Latin, after radical-s-the-tionis regularly-sion(comparemission,passion). In Middle English, in words via Ol...