Words that end in q Words containing an Words containing anj Words containing anq Words containing anr Words containing ansa Words containing ansc Words containing ansd Words containing anse Words containing ansf Words containing ansg Words containing ansh Words containing ansi Words containing ansk Wo...
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and its cover illustrated this idea as a collaged grid of individually drawn squares. What to title this publication became a seemingly never-ending conversation. Many serious, silly, sarcastic, and ironic names came and went, until Gaard bemoaned, “all of these ideas seem a bit…fuzzy,” an...
1 - Aleph - Spiritual life (Hay) in all actualityq. Archetype of pure cosmic energy which may coinside all cosmos' actuality. 6 - Waw - Male fecundity, archetypical fertilizing agent of all Aut in actualityq. Strong kinship with scintillationq. 400 - T[h]av - Chaotic ending memes as...