emirin emtied emycin enatic ending endive engild engine enguin enigma enjoin enkaid enkidu enlist enmity enning enolic enosis enovid enrich ensign ensile ension ensive entail entice entire entity eohius eolian eolith eonian equied equine equity erbium ercoid erdiem erfidy ericar eridot eriety er...
Divorce is the process of ending a marriage. 亨 Divorce rates have increased in the past twenty years. imitate [imateit] v. To imitate someone or something is to act in the exact same way. He imitated his favorite superhero by putting on a costume. [l infant [infant] n . An infant ...
Afolk-etymologizedreshaping of earlier "musquash", fromMassachusett(c.f.Western Abenakimòskwas), apparently fromProto-Algonquian*mo·šk, "bob (at the surface of the water)" +*-exkwe·-, "head" + a derivational ending).[31] Opossum† FromPowhatan<apasum>/<opussum>/<aposoum>, "w...