Synonyms for INCIPIENCE: beginning, inception, commencement, onset, start, alpha, launch, genesis; Antonyms of INCIPIENCE: end, conclusion, period, ending, close, completion, termination, cessation
Synonyms for BASELINE: beginning, start, onset, alpha, inception, commencement, launch, threshold; Antonyms of BASELINE: end, conclusion, close, period, ending, completion, cessation, termination
Related: Words that start with imp, Words that end in impScrabble Words With Friends WordHub Crossword 15 letter words containing imp14 letter words containing imp13 letter words containing imp12 letter words containing imp11 letter words containing imp10 letter words containing imp9 letter words ...
Related How to Pronounce the -ED Ending Correctly in English Silent K Knack /næk/ Knead /niːd/ Knee /niː/ Kneel /niːl/ Knew /nuː/ Knickers /ˈnɪkərz/ Knife /naɪf/ Knight /naɪt/ Knit /nɪt/ Knob /nɑːb/ Knock /nɑːk/ Knot /nɑːt/ ...
Words that end in q Words containing an Words containing anj Words containing anq Words containing anr Words containing ansa Words containing ansc Words containing ansd Words containing anse Words containing ansf Words containing ansg Words containing ansh Words containing ansi Words containing ansk Wo...
stop noun the event of something ending storage noun the act of storing something storm noun a violent weather condition with winds 64-72 knots (11 on the Beaufort scale) and precipitation and thunder and lightning strain noun (physics) deformation of a physical body under the action of applied...
endingless faddishness fatedness fateless flowingness gastroschisis gateless graphicness graspingness groundedness heartsickness hecticness hellishness hemipelvis husbandless jiggliness jowliness laddishness landlordless liquorice lobomycosis logies longingness looniness maneless manifoldness milkiness nephroptos...
An interesting thing with the English language is that almost all words ending in “ump” have a negative connotation. So, from here on, when I find myself facing the misfortune of mentioning the latest president of the United Stoats, I will refer to Dump, Bump, Thump, Pump, Stump, Lump...
endingless faddishness fadedness fairmindedness fasciitis feelingless feelingness flowingness forehandedness ghoulishness giardiasis graphicness graspingness greatheartedness heartsickness hecticness hellishness informedness jiggliness jowliness laddishness landlordless longingness looniness manifoldness masterliness...
Yet we found no interaction between homon- ymy and either whole word frequency or base frequency in our derived words. Possibly, the number of words ending in the suffixes -er and -te in our experimental list was too small to offer sufficient statistical power to the test. Another, perhaps...