For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. The first s...
Atonement sits at the very heart of Christian doctrine, describing believers’ status as “being one again” with God through Jesus Christ. It is the culmination of God’s work of reconciliation, simultaneously defining believers’ relationship with God while also describing how that relationship is...
“Christian” is Trinitarian, describing Jesus as the one whom the Father anoints (christos) with the Spirit so that the Spirit may anoint our own lives (16). Christians confess Jesus as the risen Lord of the universe, but is proclaimed to be inseparable from the one who sent him, the ...
英语禁语taboo swearing words Lesson : How to (not) swear in English Ukraine: DEMATUKATSIA bill. Olha Bohomolets. Fine: 680 hrn– 1275 hrn. or 15-day detention.Swearing in English: Questions 1Does your native language have many swear words? Are they stronger than those in English?2Brain...
James 3:2-12 elaborates on the power of the tongue, describing it as a small part of the body that can cause great harm. The historical context of Proverbs, a book of wisdom literature, often addresses the moral and ethical conduct expected of God's people. The idea that sin is ...
There are no free passes to Heaven. There is but one way to enter, and that is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The world will tell you differently, that there are numerous ways to obtain eternal bliss. Jesus said “ I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to ...
ostensibly 1765 having an outward appearance that may not reflect the underlying truth; good potential use is Luke 3:23 in describing Jesus as the son of Joseph outflank 1765 to move swiftly around an opponent, a military tactic mastered by conservative General George Patton to crush the Germa...
I’d like to tell you that I was describing a small group of Christ-followers meeting for Bible study, prayer, discipleship, and mutual encouragement in the faith. That is the ideal, right? Instead, I’m describing the recent experience of being among those who were part of supporting a ...
Both Plinys are associated with the volcanic disaster that buried Pompeii in 79 CE. The Elder perished attempting to rescue a friend and his family. The Younger wrote two letters to the historian Tacitus, describing the eruption. There’s a long review ofAwakein theNew York Review of Books,...
Hays says that all this groaning in Romans 8 is “describing creation’s bondage to death as analogous to Israel’s slavery in Egypt.” The groaning we hear and makenowconnects to the Israelites’ groaning under slavery in Exodus 2:23-24. Paul is now “envisioning the eschatological redemptio...