Venus was the Roman goddess of love, the equivalent of the Greek Aphrodite. Since she governed all aspects of love and desire, a word derived from her name was given to the diseases acquired through sexual contact. Most of these venereal diseases have been around for many centuries, but only...
Aphrodite(n.) Greek goddess of love and beauty, personification of female grace, 1650s; the ancients derived her name from Greekaphros"foam," from the story of her birth, but the word is perhaps rather from PhoenicianAshtaroth(AssyrianIshtar). Beekes writes, "As the goddess seems to be ...
The word “aphrodisiac” is derived from the Greek word “aphrodisiakon,” meaning belonging to (or from) Aphrodite. According to Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the stunning Goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, passion, and reproduction. So, anything “from Aphrodite” relates to love (especially ...
“My favorite word is callipygian. It is a Greek word, originally derived in the 1640’s or 50’s to describe a statute of Aphrodite. It is an adjective.” —Post on, 30 October 2013 Callipygian is a perfectly lovely word. It is potentially useful, and is unique (there ...
First, in conventional Greek mythology Aphrodite was born from the foam that rose on the Ocean when the severed genitals of Ouranos were cast into them by the usurper Kronos: Ouranos came, bringing on night and longing for love, and he lay about Gaia spreading himself full upon her. Then ...
The term made its way into the English language a little later than the age of Old English, but it’s derived from the ancient Greek word kallipygos, which was first used to describe the statue of Aphrodite showing off her perfect behind. Bedswerver There’s something about the word ‘...
Context: Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Facts, facts about greece, Greek gods, Greek mythology, Hades, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Poseidon, Zeus greek elections 2012 The second round of greek elections for 2012 takes place on the 17th of June. The par...
The constellation was thus known asVenusetCupido,VenusSyriacumCupidine,VenuscumAdone,Dione, andVenerisMater; and it has beenOuraniaandUrania, the Sarmatian Aphrodite. All this, perhaps, was the foundation of the Syrians’ idea that fish were divine, so that they abstained from them as an artic...
{Page 169} hair we now see in the sky figure. It was the happy invention of this constellation by Conon that consoled the royal pair after the theft of the tresses; from the temple of Arsinoe Aphrodite at Zephyrium. Some versions of the story turned the lady’s hair into a hair-...
I have three main archetypes that affect my life: Artemis, Aphrodite and Demeter. Gradually I have returned to a modicum of functioning, and a good measure of my recovery (apart from my family and friends), has been derived out in nature. My garden in full autumnal swing! My Acer tree...