From a famous saying by Jebediah Springfield/Hans Sprungfeld: "A Noble Spirit Embiggens the Smallest Man", evoking the manner in which its antonym, belittle, was coined by Thomas Jefferson. It is likely a creative conflation of big with the word embolden (to render bold; to hearten, to enc...
; first recorded in writings of Thomas Jefferson (and probably coined by him), Jefferson used it in "Notes on the State of Virginia" to characterize the view promoted as scientific by French naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon that American species (including humans) were naturally smaller ...
She had grown tired of the pressure to be a perfect physical specimen and coined a phrase, “Thin ain’t in, fats where it’s at.” In today’s world, many seem to be adopting the view that “Love ain’t in, and hate is where it’s at.” It has become more fashionable to h...
1941), when he ascended to a level of 33,000 feet in a Spitfire MKI and recalled a line of poetry: “to touch the face of God.” Soon after he landed, Magee began the poem; when it was completed he wrote it on the back
The term was originally coined in 2005 by researchers at the University of Exeter in the U.K. They found that promoting women to leadership often comes with negative associations and is compared to standing on the cliff's edge – they fail and fall off. ...
PLUQUATERNION was coined by Thomas Kirkman (1806-1895), as he attempted to extend further the notion of quaternions. PLUS and MINUS. From the OED2: The quasi-prepositional use (sense I), from which all the other English uses have been developed, did not exist in Latin of any period. ...
1781, coined by Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) from utility + -arian on the model of + unitarian, etc. One guided by the doctrine of the greatest happiness for the greatest number. From 1802 as an adjective; in the general sense “having regard to utility rather than beauty,” from 1847....
— President James Monroe announced the doctrine during his seventh annual State of the Union address to Congress. The term "Monroe Doctrine" was coined in 1850. What happened Today in History that illustrates this quote? Dec03 "We are now about to assume the management of the editorial depart...
The term SEMI-CUBICAL PARABOLA was coined by John Wallis (Cajori 1919, page 181). The term SEMIGROUP apparently was introduced in French as semi-groupe by J.-A. de Séguier in Élem. de la Théorie des Groupes Abstraits (1904).
It can even be described as a living document because we can add on to it or amend it. This means that if in the future, we see something super important that we need to add we can add more if we would like to. The First part of the constitution is known as the Preamble. The ...