British gay slang for engaging in anonymous sex in a public lavatory a 'cottage' ('tea-room' in gay American vernacular) or cruising for sexual partners with the intention of having sex elsewhere Cougar A slang term for a woman who seeks romantic or sexual relationships with significantly young...
【跟我学英语】247-2020年12月12日 20 Weird things ONLY British people do! 68 2023-09 10 【跟我学英语】248-2020年12月16日 You MUST NOT confuse these words! 131 2023-09 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1.1万 跟我学英语 by:暖暖的皮小丘 1万
777 people have voted on 21 Weirdly Specific Problems Only British People Will Understand USA 13.2k people have voted on The Weirdest Things About America, According to Non-Americans English Language 4k people have read The Actual Reasons Why English Is So Weird Culture 243...
the majority of people the majority of the time the mall closes at ten the man drinks water the man is British the man is tall the man refused to speak the man, the myth, the legend the marigold is the traditional flower the math class was interesting the maximum temperature is the mean...
Meaning "crazy person, crank" is attested from 1903; British formnutteris attested by 1958.Nut-case"crazy person" is from 1959;nut-house"insane asylum" is by 1929. For more on this sense, seenuts. In slang,nutalso meant "fashionable or showy young man of affected elegance" [OED], 1904...
Funny 1.1k people have voted on The Most British Things That Ever Happened Customs & Rituals 258 people have voted on Everyday Things Acceptable In The US You Shouldn't Do Abroad USA 2.2k people have voted on Common European Things That Weird Out Americans ...
Send Frequently Asked Questions How can I learn British slang? How do Brits say hello? How do you say OK in British slang? Do Brits say mate? Other Blogs you May Like
uw”的长音。'stew' The second part is 'dn't'.“stew”。第二部分是“dn't”。'dn't'.“dn't”。That's kind of a weird sound.这发音有点奇怪。That's because the 'd', the 'n', and the 't' blend in together, for all three consonants here, the tip of the tongue is up....
i know british english but i jus need to know u.s slang.what is the best way can u help me? mdrafiqulkhan989 Hi Emma, Your lesson was very interesting. I have problems in speaking words like ‘costs’ For example:This bag ‘costs’ twenty five dollars. So,could you tell me how ...
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