10 letter words beginning with sc: scabiosity scaldships scaleboard scandalize scansorial scantiness scantities scaphander scaphitoid scaphopods scarabaeid scarabaeus scaramouch scarecrowy scarifying scarlatina scarletina scattering scenecraft scentproof schematics schematism schematize scherzandi scherzando...
4 letter words beginning with s: sack sade safe saga sage sago said sail sain sake saki sale salt same sand sane sang sank sans sant sard sari sars sasa sash sass sata sate save sawn scab scad scag scan scar scat scob scop scot scow scud scum scup scut seak seal seam sear seat sech...
[谚]空袋子,立不直。 scan[skæn] vt. 扫描,浏览,细看,审视 vi. 分析韵律,划分音步 n. 扫描,浏览,细看 参考例句 1 . The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brainscan. 医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。 2 . Iscannedthe newspaper when I was waiting for the b...
especially in poetry: “banish’d” was clearly meant to be spoken as two syllables to keep scansion tidy and look very Byronic, whereas “banished” could be three, particularly in some florid Drydenesque constructions
Short A Words with Beginning Consonant Blends:trap crab grab flag flap flat glad slam slap slant plan clad clap clasp blab blast brag bran drag snap snag span scan splat scram strand Short A Words with Ending Consonant Blends:camp lamp ramp sand band hand land pant plant grant past last ...
Then the second player takes their turn. They scan their own cards for a word that matches a playable word on the already-played domino card. When they find one, they add it to the playing field, reading both words on their card aloud. ...
I ignore lines with "license markers" - words that predominantly appear inside license text (e.g. license, noninfringement, etc.). License text is very common in code. It was interesting to see at the beginning, but overwhelming at the end, so I filtered it out. Words are case sensitive...
(owmnCoaus途dn3oai8rtl1receS8dhp经rrs日2uao,aeynatuCw瑟英h发wsdrai,saaaa堡p尺射7ya,nyt0nahd,和1长升5ida4nsvea皇fe,空AEiosrvnncrdep后,9gtavwnyr2peiht并镇laedem英e,rdeasda于i)nrhni尺t.dnSeuhthmtt1(othehwe1u她iisett9rs吃ehlscan1a的.enta2饱tAynef总rt年et,er吨84 on the ...
–A high-resolution scan. High-road: the most direct way; expressway; boulevard. –This is the high-road to democracy. High-roller: a person who spends a lot of money, especially on gambling; bettor; bookie. –The casino offers special deals to attract high-rollers. High-spirited: very ...
Middle English shinen, from Old English scinan "shed, send forth, or give out light; be radiant, be resplendent, illuminate," of persons, "be conspicuous" (class I strong verb; past tense scan, past participle scinen). This is reconstructed to be from Proto-Germanic *skeinanan (source ...