8 letter words beginning with mu: muchness mucilage mucinous muckrake muckworm mucoidal muddying mudguard mudhooks mudirias mudpuppy mudrooms mudstone muenster mugience mulberry muleteer mulewort mulligan mullocks mullocky multibus multifid multijet multiped multiple multiply multured muncheel mundan...
Words beginning with se. This SE words reference page contains a list of words beginning with SE, organized by word length. The below online list of words that begin with se might be useful for people who are taking classes in school leading to a degree, those who play word games, and ...
dissolved, dissuaded, distained, distanced, distasted, distend, distended, distilled, distinguished, distorted, distracted, distrained, distressed, distributed, districted, distrusted, disturbed, disulfid, disunited, disused, disvalued, disyoked, ditched, dithered, dittoed. divagated, dived, diverged...
) The act of obsecrating or imploring; as, the obsecrations of the Litany, being those clauses beginning with "By." Obsecration (n.) A figure of speech in which the orator implores the assistance of God or man. Obsecratory (a.) Expressing, or used in, entreaty; supplicatory. Ob...
fidging fifing filmgoing fingerbanging finning firewalking gastrulating gatekeeping gatting gawming genderizing genning giantling ginsing gitting glamming glamorising glamourizing gleeking globalizing glugging gluttonizing gnarling heliographing henching hending henning herborizing herling hierarchizing hilding...
(source also of Old Saxonfiuwar, Old Frisianfiower,fiuwer, Frankish*fitter-, Dutchvier, Old High Germanfior, Germanvier, Old Norsefjorir, Danishfire, Swedishfyra, Gothicfidwor"four"), from PIE root*kwetwer-"four." The phonetic evolution of the Germanic forms has not been fully explained...
Lyrics for the traditional song include 'Fee–fi-fid–lee-i-o, Fee–fi-fid–lee-i-o, Fee–fi-fid–lee-i-o' Switch up the initial consonant sound to help children develop phonemic awareness: 'Ree–ri-rid–lee-i-o, Ree–ri-rid–lee-i-o, Ree–ri-rid–lee-i-o'...
Latin. Prefix 'inter-' means 'with,' or 'together,' root 'cede' means 'give in to' or 'go.' So if a referee intercedes during a ball game, the referee is going between the teams. State whether the root word is Latin or Greek. fidelity Latin. Root word 'fid' means trust, or ...
Have fun practicing the consonant le words with this fun, free printable chutes and ladder type phonics game for first grade and 2nd graders!
Q: What are some household items / things / objects that start with S? A: salt shaker, sofa, spatula, spigot, spoon S words by number of letters: More complete list, by word length: 2 letter words beginning with s: si so 3 letter words beginning with s: sac sad sae sag sap sat...