centimeeter centimeter centimetre 7 . Click the correct answer for the following definition. An official gathering to celebrate or commemorate a special event cerimony cerimone cerymony ceremony 8 . Click the correct answer for the following definition. ...
For example, many root words derived from Latin and Greek are common in math and science terminology, like “centi” (“hundred”) or “geo” (“earth”). NoteAffixes are short words that are added to root words to change their meaning. Affixes cannot be used independently. When added at...
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "ten." It forms all or part of:cent;centenarian;centenary;centi-;centime;centurion;century;centennial;cinquecento;dean;deca-;decade;decagon;Decalogue;Decameron;decapod;decathlon;December;decennial;deci-;decile;decimal;decimate;decimation;decuple;decussate;denarius;denier(n...
Quattrocentism Queen Queen-hood Queep Quell Quemeful Quench Quenching Querist Quest Quester Question Quick Quick-as-a-flash Quicken Quicker Quickly Quick-moving Quickness Quick-release Quick-sighted Quickstep Quick-thinking Quick-witted Quiddity Quid-pro-quo Quiescent Quiet Quieter Quietly Quietness Quie...
to novinonagillions, and centilions.The above letter also appears in 1754 in The Scots Magazine, where the spellings centillions and quinquillions are used. [Ivan Panchenko]Centillion is found in English in 1863 in The Normal: or, Methods of Teaching the Common Branches, Orthoepy, ...
Leave a margin on each side of the paper - about two centi-metres at the top and a centimetre and a half at the left, the right and the bottom. In an exercise book the top and bottom margins are already there, so you need only to draw a vertical line to mark the left margin. ...
centi- hundred centr (i,o) - L - center - centrosome centrum- (G) center (centrifuge, centroacinar) ceph(al(e,o))- (G) head (cephalopod, cephalic, encephalon) cera(s)(t)- horn cerc(a,o)- (G) horns, lobes, short tail cerc (a,o) - G - tail of beast ...
centi- , , , ,one percent (百分之一,厘) centr-, , , ,central(中心) cephal- , , , ,head(头) cept, cap(t),ceive, cip(ate) , , , ,to take(取);to catch(获得) cern,crel , , , ,to separate(分离,区别) cer(c)- , , , ,cauda(尾), caudate(有尾的) cerebell-...