Aleph~Mem~Tav as Mem in Aleph~Tav's resonant cavity. So Mem, as Sphere of Evolving Life, is sustained tentatively in resonance. We already standunder Aleph~Tav as breathing~out (life 1, masculine) life~cycle, and resonant Tav~Aleph as breathing~in (life 2, feminine) death~cycle. Tentat...
Tooraq (Tav~Waw~Raysh~Qof: 400.6.200.100) Comtext: ~Shemen~Tooraq~Shemaykha~ Begin 6Nov2014 Doug Update to Tooraq: Notice how Doug showed that phrase as a wave ensemble of qwf ensembles. We have three qwf ~Autiot~ensembles: ~Shemen~ ~Tooraq~ ~Shemaykha~ Those tildes at be...
(Intensive/Iterative - forcible or iterative action); SUFFIX t N 2 ADJ 1 1 POS 0 -ed, having, having a, provided with; -able; SUFFIX ativ N 2 ADJ 1 1 POS 0 -ative; capable/worthy of; SUFFIX tav V 2 V 1 1 X 3 try to do -, keep doing -; SUFFIX iv V 2 ADJ 1 1 POS...