Their habitats, known as gallery forests, border rivers in the Amazon basin that are seasonally flooded, creating flora adapted to the constant washing in of nutrients from river waters. Jessica Camille Aguirre, Smithsonian Magazine, 6 Jan. 2025 Tips and Tricks for Washing Delicate China Line th...
2025 Authorities have built a gigantic tent city on the banks of the rivers to accommodate the millions of pilgrims and tourists attending the festival -- equipped with 3,000 kitchens, 150,000 toilets, roads, electricity, water, communication towers and 11 hospitals, according to the Associated ...
wordsæglosses Latinmare,aequor,pontus,pelagus, andmarmor. The range in the Old English word included "the expanse of salt water that covers much of the world" to individual great, distinctly limited bodies of water; it also was used of inland seas, bogs, lakes, rivers, and the Bristol ...
For example, the most common sentiment-associated word to follow “not” was “like”, which would normally have a (positive) score of 2. It’s worth asking which words contributed the most in the “wrong” direction. To compute that, we can multiply their value by the number of times ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Sirius was associated with the hottest part of summer, the Dog Days, and also with causing the Nile floods because the heat causes ice and snow to melt on mountains which flows into rivers. The rising of Sirius marked the commencement of the ancient Egyptian new (sidereal) year, the annus...
Along with Newton, jointly credited for the development of the modern calculus.Read More > used in: The Man of the Crowd lethargic Sluggish, indifferent used in: The Premature Burial Lethe Forgetfulness. In Greek mythology, the Lethe is one of the rivers that flow through the realm of Hades...
The starRigel, beta Orion, on Orion’s heel, is where theEridanusriverarises. This might explain the mountain association with the name, mountains are usually from where riversderive. Toorientateliterally means to face east. Orion regained his eyesight byorientatinghimself, with the help of Keda...
“Whatever the type of accommodation,glamping should have a genuine connection to the outdoors, and give guests the chance not only to enjoy comforts but also to run wild, climb trees, splash in rivers,star-gaze and have the sort of experiences that we associate with camping.(无论是哪种...
In February, I was delighted that my poem ‘Green Turtle’ was accepted for the ‘Ourselves in Rivers and Oceans’ anthology from The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press … a collection of poems from over 100 international writers reflecting the theme of water, with illustrations by Scottish artist, Colin...