Conversely, positive emotional responses were associated with lower perceived stress, higher subjective health, and higher subjective well-being. Positive political rhetoric, by eliciting positive emotions, can have a salubrious effect. Altogether, these findings suggest that political rhetoric matters for ...
2.formalandtechnicalwords generallyformalusedbypeopleofspecialprofessionsor fields,onspecialoccasionsorforspecialpurposesbegoodforustoknowsomeveryusefulwordsinvariousfields,andmanyofthewordsrelatedtothefieldwewillworkinorbeassociatedwithForexample,political,legal,scientific,technical,businessandliterary...
More Commonly Misspelled Words Popular in Wordplay See More 'In Vino Veritas' and Other Latin Phrases to Live By Even More Words That Sound Like Insults But Aren't 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) More Words with Remarkable Origins ...
he was already famous in his twenties, associated with the best connoisseurs of the day. He was known as a specialist on Shih-t’ao. In the forties, he discovered the riches of the Tun-huang cave paintings which had great impact on ...
“front row” of benches on either side of the aisle is reserved for ministers and leaders of the principal political parties. Thus the expression “front benchers” generally refers to government ministers and opposition leaders, while “back benchers” denotes MPs who often do not hold ...
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A weblog is an online journal, typically consisting of a personal diary or social and political commentary, sometimes with replies from readers. Blogs have common elements: updated frequently (usually daily); informal; grouped by date with links to archives of older posts. 4. The passage talks...
"freely given, bountiful, liberal," 1620s, from Greekeleutherios"like a free man, noble-minded, frank, liberal," literally "freeing, delivering," also the title of Zeus as protector of political freedom, fromeleutheria"freedom," from eleutheros "free, free man" (opposed todolous"slave"),...
(noun) the practice of dividing or arranging a territorial unit into election districts in a way that gives one political party an unfair advantage in elections20. Hyperbolic (adjective) of, relating to, or marked by language that exaggerates or overstates the truth; of, relating to, or mark...
the study of how the system of states could be made to work more effectively to intensify the power of law through the managing of inter-state affairs, and minimization of the possibility of war. It informs the world on vario...