contains over 5,700 US Department of Defense official terms and over 115,000 military and government acronyms and abbreviations. ©1988-2005, Mountain Data Systems. Powered by Acronym Finder:
The meaning "branch of military service" is from 1798, hence "branch of any organization" (by 1952). The meaning "heraldic insignia" (incoat of arms, etc.) is early 14c., from a use in Old French; originally they were borne on shields of fully armed knights or barons. To beup in...
a person engaged in military service throughout the war, the regulars were supplemented by corps of volunteers and militiamen Synonyms & Similar Words soldier warrior fighter marine veteran raider serviceman trooper ranger legionary legionnaire recruit dragoon partisan irregular ...
Unit3WarandpeaceWordsandExpressions单词课件高中英语选择性(1)Sc3U3 单词课堂 本单元词汇梳理 1.violent n.violence adv.violently 2.landing land(v着陆n陆地)+-ing 3.allied ally(v使联盟)+-ed(形容词后缀)4.code-name合成词:code(n代码)+name(v命名)5.supremesupremecourt最高法院 6.commandercommand(v...
aAfter Wild Acres products arrive in the possession of Wild Acres’ Sales Associate, Wild Acres’ Sales Associate shall be responsible for the expenses and re-imbursement associated with any Wild Acres products damaged or lost due to negligence, mishandling, or incorrect storage as laid out in Wi...
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (commonly known as PTSD) is an important issue associated with military soldiers. The primary focus of this paper will be on the causes of PTSD and the effects it has on returning soldiers from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I will attempt to elaborate on the...
Transportation consultant Jack Opiola had the best definition that I heard:“Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is the seamless, infinitely adaptable delivery of mobility, together with associated travel information, necessary ticketing and payment services, across all modes of transport.” The Mobility as...
harness military gear harry ravage haste hurry, rush hauberk a long mail-coat, usually with sleeves hayward literally a 'hedge ward'; a warden charged with watching over livestock and keeping them from straying headstall that part of a horse's bridle that covers the head (excluding a bit or...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
All election night long, the Manila radio rebroadcast calls from outlying areas pleading for protection from goons lurking near the polling places—and all night long Mrs. Keith listened to the pleas and sometimes to the sound of gunfire, as the aroused voters fought their way to the ballot ...